2: "Notes"

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Creek found himself lying in bed, his head throbbing and his ears ringing. Creeks head slammed back into the pillows as he tried to lift it up. The ringing in his ears grew louder as he struggled against the weakness he was feeling. His head spun and was sore. a sharp pain pierced Creeks head and he groaned. He felt a hand press down on his chest, which was wrapped inside the blanket.

Creek swallowed lightly and gained the strength to speak. When he did speak, his voice was hoarse and weak. "Who..." Creek managed to croak, his voice failing him again. "Are.." His voice was stronger now, but still hoarse and light. "You." Creek groaned, his voice fading into a whisper and leaving him at the last second." Miya..." At the name Creeks eyes widened, but immediately fell to fluttering. He was so weak right now.

"What..." Creek moaned, his voice barely a whisper. Creek swallowed again, moistening his lips. "Are you..." Creek whispered. He gave up talking and closed his eyes, letting Miya's hand rubbing his chest lull him to sleep.

When Creek awoke, he felt stronger. His head didn't hurt anymore and his ears weren't ringing. He heard laughing, muffled by his closed door. Curious, Creek pushed the sheets off of him, standing up and making his way to the door. The handle was warm, a sign as someone had gone in here recently, or there was a fire outside of his door. Due to the laughing, Creek thought his first thought was more likely. He turned the door handle quickly, and pushed open the door slowly. The laughing and talking became clearer and Creek realized he recognized the voices.

"Don't tell him what happened! I want him to think it was fate that brought us back together!" Creek heard a very familiar voice giggle.

"He's going to think your a stalker if I don't tell him." Creek heard his roommate sigh, sarcasm heavily fueling his words.

"That's not true! Hes a nice person! I think...?" Creek chose at that moment to interfere. I think? She thinks I'm a nice person?!? Creek thought angrily. He stormed into the kitchen, now very well.

"What are you doing in my apartment? And why are you talking with my roommate?" Creek spat at Miya, sitting on the stool to the counter. She turned around, spinning the stool as she heard his voice. His roommate also turned away from his task to stare at Creek. Creek couldn't help but notice that Miya wore a blue shirt and shorts. Her shoes were not on her feet and instead she wore socks. Her hair wore a grey beanie and her hair spilled from it, running down to her shoulders. She wore a nude lip gloss and a face free of make-up.

His friend wore a white sleeveless shirt with blue shorts, he wore an orange apron ad held a black pan. They both stared at Creek and Miya smiled. She stood and rushed towards him. Creek felt tempted to step back but he held his ground. "Your okay!" She exclaimed, wrapping her slender arms around Creeks torso. She pressed her face into his chest and he could feel her smile.

"You didn't answer my questions." Creek said flatly, pulling away from her hug. She frowned but Creek brushed off the guilt that started to swell inside him. "Okay. Jake called me to come help you, and he's my cousin". Miya responded, her eyes carrying their usual glint.

"What?" Creek looked at his roommate. Jake blushed, scratching his neck. "Well, it wasn't that important, until now." Jake shrugged. Miya looked at him and gasped dramatically. "It?!? Are you talking about MOI?!? And why wasn't I important?" Miya put a hand over her heart and winced for dramatic effect. Jake threw her a death glare and Miya just giggled.

"What happened?" Creek asked as his encounter with Miya before struck him as awkward, "How did I get into my bed?" Miya shrugged and Jake paled. "When I arrived I was shocked to see it was you I needed to nurse to health, but I have no idea how you got in that state." She admitted. Creek turned to Jake and he turned paper white. "I...uh..." Jake stammered, gulping loudly before he continued. "We...were watching TV and you just started grabbing your head and groaning, before I knew it... you had passed out..." Jake admitted, visibly relaxing. "So since my cousin here knows first aid, I called her up because she lived close by." Jake lay his hands on the table.

"And I made you healthy again! I don't know what caused the headache but I gave you some vaccine that should've cleared the pain. Did it work?" Miya asked, her tone softening as her glittering eyes welled with concern. "Yes it did. Thank you." Creek grumbled. He sat on a stool and Miya joined next to him, she continued her conversation with her cousin, laughing and talking as Jake made food. Creek lay his head on the table, thinking about the headache. It was strange, very strange.

A few minutes later, Jake handed Creek a bowl of soup while Miya had a plate of chicken, hot sauce lathered all over the meat. Creek swiped a wing from her plate and took a bite, he let the taste of hot sauce and meat nestle in his tongue, savoring the taste. He swallowed loudly and Miya just stared at him like 'Oh-no-you-did-NOT.' Miya took Creeks spoon and sipped a spoon full of his soup. No words were exchanged, just angry glares and eating each others food until they had swapped plates. They finished each others food quickly and when they finished Miya attacked him, with words of course.

"You biscuit! How the shmitzle will I get hot wings now?!?" Miya spoke gibberish. Creek rolled his eyes. "Ugh you are so going to pay for this!" Miya hit Creeks chest and he groaned just to be nice. Unfortunately, Miya could tell he faked his groan and hit harder. Creek was just getting annoyed now. He knew she had enjoyed the soup and she new he had enjoyed the hot wings, why were they fighting? Creek managed to tear Miya away from him with the help of his roommate, and Jake suggested TV after she had calmed down.


They all sat in front of the TV, enjoying the cartoon displayed. Miya now wore Creeks Red T-shirt and shorts that stopped below her knees. They all sat cramped on the couch due to the fact everyone refused to sit on the floor. Miya was in the middle, so engrossed in the cartoon that she didn't mind the contact.

A shrill ringing cut through the silence (minus the tv), alerting Creek and he flinched. "I got to go pick that." Creek stood, and Miya immediately scooted into his former space.

Creek sprinted to his room and picked up the call, bringing it to his ear only to pull it away, cause; The screaming that erupted from the other side of the line.

"Why the fudge sickles are you not at work! We have so many other crimes! What is wrong with you?!?" Creek's boss barked. Creek cringed at the sound.

"I'm sorry! I don't know why, I had... a misfortune..." Creek trailed off as he remembered what he woke up to. Creek shivered as he remembered the excruciating pain, "I'll be there in ten minutes at least."

"You better!" He barked and the line went silent. The call had ended, and Creek was so confused.

What had happened before he passed out?


Creek was stunned by the amounts of cases he was saddled with. Did people just choose to start and commit crimes on the very day Creek got drugged? Or he was guessing it was a drug that gave him the headache, he wasn't sure. Creek figured some of them out easy but he pushed some cases for later. Ha! Take that crimes! He was the Super Sleuth of the century!

Creek found himself later in a round booth with his roommate's cousin eating salad awkwardly. How exactly did he get himself into this situation? Clueless. So apparently his roommate had been setting up a date for them the moment he left. Miya supposedly denied, but Jake wasn't having any of it.

So now they sat at dinner, while an awkward silence loomed over them. This technically wasn't a date right? They didn't like each other, but the tension was like a thick wall. Creek stuffed a wad of disgusting lettuce in his mouth. He gagged at the taste. He heard a faint giggle him and looked up to find Miya, finished with her salad, but laughing her head off.

"Your just like a little kid!" She laughed, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye as she caught her breath.

They finished off the date laughing, this was actually wonderful.

As they drove back to his apartment, Creek couldn't help but think of Miya, his heart sky rocketed in his chest. But even as his anxiety rose he thought about Miya.

"Are you going to stay with us?" Creek asked and Miya looked over at him. She smiled warmly and Creek sighed softly at the sight.

"No, my apartment actually is like two blocks away from yours, I can walk." Creek frowned. Miya noticed and her cheeks flushed as she looked at him.



Finally, they come together. This was terrible I know, just stay with me? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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