Chapter One: Phoenix

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Chapter One: Phoenix


Is it just me who suffered the propaganda of the word teenager?

For years, being bought into the lies the films of American Teenage Life, filling Humanity's youngest of children with excitement and anticipation that life would get better and easier.

Only to discover its the exact opposite?

My name is Phoenix Anderson and I was a victim of such cause.


My childhood depending on Bring It On, High School Musical etc, for comfort really pissed me off, thinking about it now.

It covered up the troubles. Making me believe that I would get new friends and become the most beloved boy in town.

But instead, a few years later, I find myself in the exact type of crap I was before.

Everyday, I struggle doing the simplest of things. Like smiling to brighten someones day. Its not bad breath, cavities or broken teeth.

Its me.


No one likes me.

Explaining my solitary personality, Why I have had no friends, Why I'm struggling to fit into society's idea of perfection, Why Homosexuality is such a bad thing and why everyone does not deserves a happily ever after.

Yes, I'm Gay and I admit it.

Coming out of the closet is not always easy, especially where I go to school.


At Callibury High School, we're a good for nothing piece of shit. All divided by our Ego, Nastiness, Appearance and sports etc.

Example? Take the popular overlords.

Ughh, just so amazing.


But anyways, they are a group holding Preps, Local Football stars, Cheerleaders and Leaders of the School Council.

They are the face everyone adores, the face of Callibury High. They may have smiles to enchant others or eyes to dazzle and woo who they want. But look into their heart, and you'd see why they are the people I hate the most.

List of insults I'm called:

"Hey, Emo! Are you cutting yourself again?"

"You should kill yourself, you worthless fuck."


"Stop crying your mascara, you Pussy!"

"Go Suck Some Dick, You Homo!"

{And anything insulting really...}


But there is one boy whose actions I always questioned.

Ezra Phillips.

He's the one boy who never harms me nor talks to me. He's the mysterious boy that hangs with the Cheerleaders and all that. Basically, every week, he had a different girl clinging to his arm, yet you could never see the pleasure in his face.

It's like he didn't care about the ones. Which really surprised me because each cheerleader had looks a pack of guys would kill for. But back to the mystery thing about him.

His friends are jerks, yet he isn't. He's always that boy who wouldn't get involved with his friends beating the shit out of me. But he never try to stop it from happening.

Only response I could get from him was a facial expression. Telling me either Guilt, or even Shame. Discomfort probably.

If looks could talk, his face might even saying sorry.

But why doesn't he just hate me like everyone else?

Maybe he...



Like me, My arse! No One Does and No One Will.

I'm just a depressed, antisocial teenager. A waste of air and an unwanted child by society.

Ezra would never be interested in a boy like me.

He's too...


Besides, he's straight.

My mind starts to run wild through the fantasies of Ezra...

Yes, I'm well aware of who he is. Yes, I know who he has connections with. But theres always this part inside me that always wants to know about him.

His Messy Strawberry Blonde Hair, Broad Shoulders, His Athletic Built Physique, His Smile...

And who could forget his eyes. If they were jewels, they would shine like Emeralds..

But why do I keep thinking of him? He'll never be interested and I should just face it...

Before kissing his image goodbye in my mind with one last day dream of his smile, my thoughts are interrupted.

"Oii Guys! Come on, theres that Emo Faggot!" Yells some boys. And to who follows behind them...


------------Authors Words------------

This is my first Yaoi story so I apologise for the poor 'hooking' part of the story. /.\ Anyways, this is one character, Phoenix. Whose obviously the one who feels worthless and all that... :/ In this book, I'm thinking of just doing POVs by Phoenix and another character. (I am well aware I made that obvious as to who it is) Constructive feedback, positive comments are highly welcome. :) I think I jumped things too fast and never made it clear... xP And btw... If names in this novel (as well as any other novel I ever write) are the names of real life Wattpad members, then it's just a coincidence. :3


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