Part 3 (Doctor Strange)

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"You're not ready," my father stated as he walked down the stairs.

"I've read every book in that library and I've already mastered my sling ring, astral projection, and hand to hand combat. Please, dad, I'm ready to apply what I've learned. Just teach me."

"I told you, you're not ready."


"No buts!" He stopped and turned back to me. "Dwell on what you've learned. Study it, memorize it."

I sighed, looking down. "Okay..."

"I'm sorry, Kate. You're just not ready. You need to be stronger mentally in order to be stronger physically."

"I understand," I said, turning around and walking back toward the library.


"Try again," my father said.

I took a deep breath. "Why is this so difficult?"

"Because you're not opening your mind. You doubt it."

"Because I haven't seen it. Maybe you should show me."

"Show you?" He sighed. "Fine."

I felt like a disappointment. "No, never mind. I'll figure it out."

He stopped and looked at me. "Why the sudden change of mind?"

"I'm a disappointment, aren't I? How long did it take you to learn this stuff?"

"You're faster than I was."

"Not fast enough, am I?"

"Katelyn!" He sighed. "You're not going to disappoint me. You know, you're more like me than I originally thought. Photographic memory, stubborn to no end, and too curious for your own good."

I looked up at him. "I was wondering where I got it."

He chuckled. "Now, try again. Here, we'll do it together."

I smiled as I conjured my weapon, it resembling a whip. "Awesome!"

"Yes, it is," he said with another chuckle. "Now, try to conjure a shield."

"Alright, uh..." I took in a deep breath, my memory failing me. I tried a few movements but didn't even get a spark. I looked down in shame.

My father gently pulled my chin up. "Here, count it in four steps. It'll help you remember." He showed me the motions, counting through the four steps. "One," he said, hitting his fist against his palm. "Two," he counted on, crossing his wrists and opening his hands. "Three," he announced as he closed his fists. "Four," he stated, pulling his fists back into position, shields forming in front of them.

"It's that simple?" I asked, trying it myself. "One... two... three... four!" A shield conjured around each fist as I was in position. "Cool!"

My father chuckled. "That's what I thought at first too."

"What about the Eye of Agamotto?" I inquired. "How do you do that?"

My father hesitated, his face falling a bit. "The Eye of Agamotto holds an infinity stone within it. Do you remember the history?"

"Yeah, about the six infinity stones. Soul, power, time, reality, space, and mind, right?"

"Correct, and the Eye of Agamotto holds the time stone."

"And the time stone can turn back time and let you see the future, right?"

"Yes, Katelyn. And it's extremely dangerous. Our job is to protect natural law, not tamper with it. As sorcerers, our job is to protect the infinity stone with our life and never let it fall into the wrong hands."

"I understand, dad. But how does it work?"

He sighed and chuckled slightly. "You definitely get your stubbornness from me," he said, leading me into the kitchen. He grabbed an apple and handed it to me. "Here, eat that."

I looked at him, confused, but took a bite out of the apple nevertheless. After a few moments of eating the apple, my father pointed to the table. "Set it down," he commanded.

I nodded and did as I was told. "Good, now follow my motions," he said. We both stood before the apple, him pulling his hands up into a strange position. I examined it for a moment, then followed suit. He crossed his wrists then opened his hands and pivoted his wrists so they were together, then turned his hands to open the Eye of Agamotto. I followed suit as it began to glow. He pulled his hands apart and put one back near his shoulder, holding the other one out. He rotated his wrist on the outstretched arm, making my eyes light up as the apple magically began disappearing as if it was being eaten. He then reversed time, making the apple reappear just like new. Finally, returned it to its original form, half eaten, and broke the spell.

"Whoa..." I said, my mind buzzing with wonder.

My father chuckled once more. "That's what I thought too," he said, but then his face fell into seriousness. "But we shouldn't use the Eye at all, do you understand me? I showed you how in case of emergencies, okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Unforeseen consequences, right?"

"All magic has its consequences," he replied. "Some are just more severe than others."

"So what if someone knocks you out and takes the Eye?" I asked.

"I put a protection spell on it. Try to take it from my neck."

I reached out, grabbing the stone, only to have my hand burnt by magic. I yelped in pain, running to the sink and running cold water over the burn.

"Don't worry, the burn doesn't last long. It's just to trigger the pain reflex."

"Yeah, well it works," I said.

He chuckled at me. "You have a lot to learn, Kate."

"With you as a teacher, I'm sure I'll be a sorceress in no time at all," I replied with a smile.

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