Welcome to Vaniville Town

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The fire was too big and powerful, no one could stop it. Yet some people are too stupid and brave to just stand around, some have to help. But that's how people die... that's how he died.


The car pulls the young boy out of his thoughts, he sees his new home. Why did they have to leave Hoenn? Oh yeah, because of bad memories.

"Keith, come on." He hears his mother call. He hops out of the car and looks at his new home. It looked so quaint... that's the only way Keith could describe it. He walks in and sits on the couch, the movers already helped put everything inside. He sees his father's beloved Marill walk in and sit next to him. Her name was Buply, heaven knows why.

Keith pets her and looks around the house from the couch. It looked nothing like his home back in Hoenn, hell nothing looks like Hoenn. It's way fancier, and Keith isn't the fancy type. He doesn't fit that image.

"Keith, why don't you go take a look at your room?" His mother, Krolia, asks. Keith groans, he got up and walks upstairs, Buply right behind him. He makes it to his room, it looked nice. He had his own TV, his game console was already plugged in. That was nice of the movers. His mirror was set up and his bed was right by the bright window. All he has to do is unpack his clothes and bedding and his room will be complete.

He gets to work on that, the Marill trying to help. In about two hours he was done. He lays flat on his bed and looks at the photo next to it. The one of his family. His mother standing happily next to his father, who was shorter than her, and Keith right in the middle, he was so small. Keith sighs and falls asleep, dreaming that they were a happy family once more.


After a week of living in Vaniville Town Keith began to grow restless. In his old town there was so much to do... here it's nothing. Yeah it's nice to live somewhere more peaceful, Keith kind of prefers peaceful, but also likes the outdoors and not to be near people. This place was busy with people and very modern looking, no plants besides flowerbeds

So he sits inside looking out a window and hearing the TV go on about how the regions professor is looking for students. Keith didn't care at all. Krolia walks into the kitchen and began to cook lunch, Buply right next to her. Buply went from being a firefighter pokemon to a therapy pokemon, which Krolia needs at the moment. She needs something to keep her calm during hard times, Keith can't do that on his own. And he loves his mother more than anything, so agreeing to move to a quiet town with no excitement is perfect for her.

Keith stood up and walks outside to see what else to do in town, telling his mother he'll be back later. He walks out and saw nothing to do, but saw a gate. He shrugs and walks towards it, they open to reveal another town, Aquacorde Town. Keith points back and forth between the two towns... he can still see his house in Vaniville...

He ignores how close the two towns were and walks around, it was way busier than Vaniville and more lively. Something bumps into his leg, he jumps at the sight. A small fluffy pokemon he has never seen before. It looks up at him with black and brown eyes, it's long ears twitch. He bends down and pets it.

"Where are you running to?" He asks, the pokemon made a weird call, almost like it was screaming at him. He laughs.

"Eevee! There you are!" A woman calls, the pokemon which was an Eevee ran back to it's owner. "Thank you sir, if you hadn't been in the way who knows how far my little Eevee would've ran." She says, Keith stares at her awkwardly. "Oh I know!"

She hands Keith something, a pokeball. "A reward for your efforts. I know you trainers have a hard time with money and buying pokeballs." She started walking away. "Take care now, come on Eevee." They walked off, leaving the teen confused holding the empty pokeball.

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