Fight Leader Viola

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Keith walks into the gym, full of artwork of bug types.  Uno looks around in anticipation, actually excited, he's going to prove to his trainer that he's a strong pokemon.  He walks around and looks for the gym leader or anyone for that matter, it seems empty.

"Halt."  A young voice said.  Keith looks down and sees a young boy looking at him.  He was glaring at Keith.  "What are you doing here?"

"Um... I'm here to fight the gym leader."

"You're here to fight Viola?"  He asks.  "How many badges have you won?  How many pokemon have you caught?"

"Uh... well I just started... and I have only one-"

"And you think you're ready to fight Viola?  Ha, don't make me laugh."  He says.  "Go train some more, then we'll see if you're ready or not."

"Who died and made you king?"  Keith snaps.  "I can fight if I want to."

"Not if you're a beginner."  He says.  "Go home kid-"

"Is there an issue?"  A womanly voice asks.  The kid and Keith look over.

"Viola!"  The kid says, Keith jumps.  That woman with the camera was the gym leader?!  She looks no older than Shiro!

"Whose this?"  Viola asks while looking at Keith.  He looks away shyly.

"Some kid who want's to battle you."

"Really?  Well if it's a battle you want then I'll accept the challenge."  She walks back with Keith, the kid pouts and goes up into the audience.  Shiro was already sitting there with Sakura on his shoulders.  "Is this your first gym battle?"

"Uh... y-yes."  Keith nods.

"Okay."  She takes out two pokeballs.  "Then I'll only use two."  She smiles and sends her first pokemon out, a weird looking bug type.

"What is that?"  Keith asks.

"My first pokemon, Surskit."  She says.  Uno hops down immediately and faces Surskit.  Battle begins.  "Now Surskit, quick attack!"  Surskit charges at Uno and knocks into the bird type.  He bounces it off and looks at his trainer, Keith takes a deep breath.

His first real battle and his mind is drawing a blank, what were Uno's moves again?

"Bubble now!"

"Ah!  D-Dodge it, then use tackle!"  Keith shouts, Uno does what Keith says and jumps up, then practically dive bombs the Surskit.  The pokemon survives that hit and Viola smirks.

"Nice save.  Surskit quick attack!"

"Use gust!"  As soon as the Surskit charges a large gust of wind blows from Uno's little wings.  The bug type goes flying but it's still holding on.  Viola smiles proudly at her pokemon.  

"Surskit, bubble!"  The bubbles come in fast, hitting Uno directly.  The pokemon flaps it's wings as to say he's still holding on.

"Uno, use gust!"  Uno does and Surskit could not take another flying type move after that.  Viola smiles and brings out her next pokemon.  

"Go Vivillion!"  A beautiful bug types flutters out.

Keith knows it's tougher than the last one, it looks it.  Uno wasn't ready to give up yet, and neither was he.

"Vivillion use harden!"  Viola says, Vivillion makes it's defense go up.  Keith thinks, knowing tackling won't work.  It flies, so does that mean gust won't work?  He kept thinking, a little too much however.  "Infestation!"

A swarm of tiny bugs grab onto Uno and hurt the pokemon.  Keith freaks.  "Now Vivillion, use tackle attack!"  She hits Uno, the pokemon was still being affected by infestation.  Keith bites his thumbnail and thinks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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