Chapter 19

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Andy's pov:

I waited anxiously for someone to answer the door. I hoped it was chad so I could get the first punch in easy.

(I didn't describe Blake and David earlier sooo here and chads description was in chapter 1)

A tall red head with sunglasses a blue Aeropostale shirt and khakis showed up at the door. When I saw the outfit I had a thought of Bryan stars.

"What do you want?" He asked. And glared at him and put my converse in the doorway so he couldn't close it.

"I want to see chad and get izzy back!" I said putting all my fury I'm those words.

He smiled slightly. "Alright I'll go get him for you." He said. He tried to close the door not realizing I had it still opened so I could hear what they were saying.

Chad C- Blake B- David D-

C- what's wrong?

B-those guys are here that were keeping the girl earlier.

C-goddamn! Ok David go and hide her. Put her in a closet or something and make sure she stays silent!

D-alright gimme a few minutes cause you know that sluts gonna struggle.


B-that might be kinda hard since there are like five or six guys there.

C-just grab a knife and they will back off.

At that I pulled out the gun I had been keeping in my jacket. "Andy what are you doing?" I heard ash say.

"They have knives I have a gun! Who do you think has the advantage?" I asked and they all stayed silent.

I knew I wasn't being like myself but I had to get Isabelle. I HAD to.

I opened the door to see the red head and blonde that I knew as chad. They were both holding kitchen knives. I pointed the gun at them.

"Where is she?!" I asked and the guys piled in behind me. Chad smirked. "That gun is a complete sham you wouldn't hurt anything with that!"

"Oh really?" I shot the floor by their feet making them both jump. "Real enough for you?!" I asked and Blake nodded.

I smiled a bit before the gun was taken out of my grasp. I turned to see jake putting it on safety and putting it away.

"WHAT THE HELL JAKE?!" I asked nand the guys ran at us with their knives.

I kicked chads Blake's out of his hand. Then punched his throat. He choked before Jinxx and Chris started to give him what he deserved.

I ran at Chad and he swung his knife once cutting my arm. Punched him right inbetween the eyes smiling as I saw blood come from his nose.

Chris and jinxx had Blake pinned and CC and jake started to do the same to chad. "Chris can you handle that guy alone?" Chris nodded and jinxx stood up as we looked around for the basement.

We opened door after door until we finally found the stairs leading downwards. I ran down them seeing the boy with dark brown hair and black clothing trying to get izzy into a small closet that was down there.

He looked up at us "didn't hide her very

She opened her eyes slightly before she smiled and tried to hug me. Which didn't really work out due to her tied up hands.

I chuckled a bit as and untied her hands. As soon as soon as they were loose she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Please tell me this isn't another dream." She said and I smiled a bit and kissed her lips.

"It's not baby don't worry. And you'll be all better soon." I said and she looked down at herself before gasping. "Andy he hurt you!" She said.

I looked down to see the long cut on my arm. It wasn't deep but it still bled a bit.

"Iz I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you! Your non stop bleeding!" I said looking at the bleeding cuts on her cheek, arms, stomach, legs, and neck.

She frowned and looked down at her injuries. "They aren't too bad." She said. Her eyes started to flutter.

"Izzy? Izzy what's wrong?" I asked wrapping my arms around her. "I'm ok baby I'm just kind of tired." She said before collapsing in my arms.

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