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A/N- Here's the first chapter of my new book, I hope you guys enjoy it!
-Hannah xx

My name isn't actually Ava Whitaker, my agent told me I had to chose something different. So, I chose a name that didn't carry the burden of being the daughter of a multi-millionaire, hit-man and murderer. But, according to the rest of the world, my father was a businessman, one of the most important in society- but everybody has their secrets. And his secret was me.

Choosing new names had always been fun, different names for different situations. But this name felt different. Different like this whole mission. It was the same in so many ways- the same kind of private school, the same stereotyped students, the same teachers and the same type of mission. But something felt different. It always used to be so easy making friends and then leaving them two or three months later, I learnt not to get attached. And half the time, the people I had to fit in with, were absolute bitches and I didn't like them anyway.

The people I was supposed to blend in with at Thornhill Academy were the kinds of people I hate. And I hated them because I was them- the rich kid with the Tesla and the Gucci bag, spoilt by their multi-millionaire parents. But in my case, I was spoilt by my multi-millionaire parent who used me for his hitman jobs, and I, apparently didn't exist to anyone else but him.

I was an employee. A means to an end.

But, the people I did end up with, were people who were truly like me- misunderstood and outcasts, who pretended to be something they're not. This was what made saying goodbye to Thornhill so hard, and what would make killing Ethan Maxwell even worse.

Normal people were nervous on their first day at a new school. And to everybody else, I would appear as the shy, new girl who'd joined half way through the semester. But the truth was, I wasn't nervous. I'd done this plenty of times- new girl at a new school, fit in and fulfil my duties.

Thornhill Academy was just like the schools I'd been to before- I'd been to the public schools with the jocks, mean girls and nerds. I'd been to the schools in the bad neighbourhoods with the metal detectors, knife fights and drug dealers. But I'd also been to the private schools- snobby rich kids with blazers, pulling up in Ferarris and Teslas.

Here's the thing about private schools- you can get anywhere if you have the money. And trust me, people will do anything for it, that's what got me in this mess in the first place. And Thornhill Academy was no different. There were still your typical 'daddy's girls' who were complete and utter bitches, your varsity jocks who date the cheerleaders, your strung up nerds, bad boys and kids on the spectrum. All categorised into groups that no one ever crosses- like public school on steroids.

I used to think it was fun, messing with people. Making them believe that I liked them and would do anything for them, then stabbing them in the back and disappearing of the face off the earth. However; I couldn't disappear this time. I was in way too deep. They knew who I was and who I had become. There was no hiding now.

And that's how it started. With the first period bell ringing, just like the ringing in my ears as I write this.

A/N- I'm so sorry that this is such a short chapter but I wanted to upload something for you guys. I'm really excited for this book and I hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment!
-Hannah xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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