A Promise to Keep

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Mona had spent a frantic night sewing a handful of simple dresses for herself. It has been days since she'd felt she'd been of any use, and once she had started the work a fever of sorts took over. It wasn't until she sensed the room get lighter that she finally felt tired, drained in fact. As if she'd spent every last ounce of energy.

When she looked up from the machine, she noticed a breakfast table already present in the room. Why hadn't she noticed it's arrival? Not that she was hungry. Instead of attacking the food like a starved animal, Mona strode over to the bed and fell asleep, glad that she didn't have to wander the lonely halls.

It was late in the afternoon when she sensed something and woke up with a fright, only to find Lucifer standing over her, watching, waiting. She let out a shrill scream.

'My servants tell me you didn't eat your breakfast this morning, and that you were up all night.' He glared at her as if she were a puzzle to solve. 'Are you not well?'

Mona was gobsmacked. She was glad her curtains were drawn and there was no fire lit in the room because...and she stopped herself before the thought completed. 'You have servants?' she asked shakily.

Lucifer ignored the question. 'Are you not happy with my hospitality?'

Mona sat up in bed. She hadn't really thought of the whole situation as a guest-host thing. She hadn't really cared to think how thoughtfully she'd been served so far. 'I was too tired this morning to be hungry,' she finally managed.


Mona could only look to her messy sewing corner. 'I got carried away...'

'Do you wish for anything else?' He asked pointedly. 'Mr. Broom advises me that you are perhaps unhappy being here. Is that true?'

Mr. Broom? Mona wasn't aware that there were other people in the house with her and that they had been looking after her as per Lucifer's order. Yes, she had heard whispers every now and then, but every time she'd look, all she would find were everyday items like a broom, lights, dishes etc. 'How can I be happy when I do not know the reason why I'm being held here against my will.'

To Mona's surprise, Lucifer looked rather stunned. 'Held against your will? You are free to go home anytime you wish, dear Mona.'

If that were true, why did Mona sense a but there? Lucifer smiled a pained smile. 'Because, with me, there is always a but dear.'

'I can leave anytime I want, but?'

'But, your dear old papa will have to replace your presence here in my palace.'

Mona felt a sudden stab of pain where her heart was. Her papa, here, in that lonely place? He'd die within a month.

'And so said he.'


'Your father,' the beast began, 'he said that very thing. He stumbled upon my palace one dark night, lost, hungry, tired, and looking for a way back home, to you I suppose.' Mona's mouth flew open. 'He took liberty in entering my home, eating my food, warming by my fire, and resting in my bed, yet asked not my permission.' Mona knew where this was going. Her father's habit of assuming everything and everyone was there to serve him had landed him in hot waters before, but this was an entirely different thing. 'You see, such arrogance should cost, don't you think, Mona?'

Mona simply nodded. She was somewhat mesmerized by Lucifer at that moment, almost questioning her eyes for a brief interlude when she swore she saw an image of a young, handsome man in his place. The briefest of a second.

'Then why did you let him return home?' she asked with dread.

Lucifer stared at her a while. The moment felt like an age. 'How did you find your week in this palace?'

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