The Creature in the night

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What was she seeing? It couldn't be. She stared into a room not dissimilar to her own, yet there was a sense of a dark foreboding in it. It was as if the room, every surface was covered in blackest black. Even the bed upon which lay a beast withering in pain were doused in black. The thing's eyes bulging, its fur as if drenched in blood, glistening. Its great big bull-like horns jutting out, reaching high in the air. The heavy iron chains around its ankles tied it to the metal posts of his bed, which were one with the concrete floor. It was something out of a nightmare and Mona didn't know if she had the courage to approach the thing let alone help.

She drew in a sharp breath, unable to focus on the beast. Her eyes grew heavy, her hand, which had tried to stamp the blood flow from her punctured side went lax. A thought drew out finally, that there she thought she'd finally die, watching the beast, unaware of her, crying in despair. Then, she knew not how but she let out a little moan and saw the thing turn to her with great surprise.

Could it be her eyes fooled her? For the briefest moment, she thought it was Lucifer, not the way she knew him of course.

As the beast growled, jumping swiftly off the bed towards her, Mona felt the darkness take her. She was going to be his supper and there was nothing she could do about it.

In the pitch darkness Mona couldn't see where she was, but each breath she took felt like a thousand needles piercing her side as deep as they could. She tried to sit up, letting out a pained yelp, but felt a force on her shoulders, pinning her down.

'Don't move!' The deep throaty voice commanded and Mona felt all her muscles siege movement.

'Why?' She asked breathlessly. At least she thought she had.

'You did a lot of damage to yourself.'

What? Here she had thought she was a meal for the unknown animal. 'I can't feel my legs, or arms, or anything,' she thought, panic taking over her mind.

'The thorn tips were poisoned,' came the reply. The voice sounded more and more like Lucifer's, and at that moment she actually missed him. He had been nothing but kind to her.

'I'm dying...'

'Yes, you are.' She felt strong arms lift her from the floor and had the strange sensation of floating, which she probably was. She felt the warmth of his body against hers, his heart pounding away like war drums, loud and resolute. Had he saved her from a gruesome death just in time? The light diffused into her world again, certain breeze touched her skin once again.

'What do you desire the most in the world at this moment, Mona?' His voice pierced her consciousness again. 'Anything.'

'Anything?' Her thought immediately rushed to her father and to her home. 'I miss them terribly.'

'Your wish is my command.'

Mona heard the eager cries of birds that lived in the reserve behind her home and suddenly opened her eyes. She was in her own room, on her own bed. It was early morning and the house was quiet. She looked around and found her room as she had left it. Even her satchel hung from a hook on the back of the door, next to them hung her cafe uniform.

Surprised or relieved she couldn't tell. Had she dreamt the whole thing, from the cold dome room to Lucifer's accommodating home; the doors that were mysterious and the beast tied to the bed? A dark thorny door? Somehow his voice was still ringing in her head. 'You shall find yourself home. To heal as your heart desires.'

She rushed to sit up and suddenly felt the pang of pain shoot across her chest. What in the world? Her breath held in her lungs and she felt the pain reminiscent of the dream. She pulled the duvet off herself and gasped in shock.

She was wearing one of the dresses she'd made in that enchanted room that granted her wishes. Then she looked up to see her sewing corner intact with her mother's machine. How so was it then possible she was wearing a dress she had dreamed? Or explain the cut marks on her forearm from the deadly door? Or the pain in her chest from each breath? And more importantly, how had she gotten home? Father? Her father. Lucifer had said they'd trade places!

Despite the pain and the light head, Mona scrambled for her door. She needed to see her father.

It had only been a dream, yes. Only a dream.

Then explain your dress! Or the pain! The thoughts barged in like uninvited guests.

Mona felt every bit confused and overwhelmed as she stumbled the into the lounge room to find it as messy as it had ever been. She walked about, dodging several dangerously placed items till she reached her father's door. She rapt on the wood ever so lightly. 'Father? And held her breath for there was no reply. 'Daddy? Are you awake? It's me, Bell.' And in that split moment, she heard a faint moan, enough to invite her in. She swung the door open gently and peaked into the dim air, dank, and sad.

'Bell, my child, come in and let me see you!'

Mona inched closer to his bed, fear seeding inside her at the sight. 'Oh, daddy, what has become of you?'

Her old man smiled, beckoning her closer. 'It is only a slight ailment. It will pass, honey.' Mona sat on the side of the bed and touched his haggard face lightly. 'I missed you dearly!'

'I missed you too, papa.'

Her father struggled to sit up. 'So, tell me, child,' he coughed, a violent cough. 'Tell me what the beast is like? Has he hurt you? Been cruel to you? Threatened you in any way?'

Mona shook her head. 'No. None of those. In fact, he has been the kindest yet.' She touched lightly, meaningfully at the fabric of her dress. 'I have want of nothing, except...'

Her father jerked up straighter yet. 'Except what, dear? He promised me you'd desire for nothing if I left you there. If he were to ever break that promise, you know my child, you are free to come home to me?' There was a desperate longing in his aged, raspy voice. A desperate longing indeed. 'Except what, dear? What is it that you lack in that tricksy home of his?'

Mona felt a pang of strange guilt as she said this, 'I'm like a princess there, but I wish for you, my family. It gets awful lonely, papa. I just miss home, that's all.'

Her father seemed confused as he looked past her at the open door, where one by one her sisters and brother were appearing so, with sleep still in their eyes. 'You miss this? The filthy house, the angry shouts, your brother and sisters all about their own, leaving you to take every responsibility on?' He turned to her with a sad smile. 'Thats no life at all. That's no life I wish and want for you. You should be treated like a treasure for they only ever made one of you.'

'Oh, Papa.' Mona embraced her father tightly. 'My place is here with you. Look at you! You are half the man I last saw. You are not well, and I will not leave until you are better.'

'And what about Him?' 'He can look after himself for a few days, I'm sure. After all, I am nothing more than decor.'

Her father nodded. 'Till I'm okay then.'

Suddenly, upon the two were the others. 'Oh my, Mona Bell, look at you? What beautiful dress you have!' One sister squealed, a set of tight arms around her neck. 'Oh Mona, look at your jewels! Where ever did you get them?' The other one chimed, pulling at the necklace off Mona's neck till it came loose. 'Simply divine!' And her brother barely cared as he glanced with one eye at Mona and left. 'Oh Mona, however, did you do it before, keep the house? Look, love, it's been the worst since you left.' The first said again. 'Yes, now that you are here... We so missed you and your cooking, girl.' Said the other while putting on Mona's necklace.

So much for being home thought Mona, but one look at her ill father and she forgot the unsightly home and the selfish siblings. Instead, she rose in one stride and started clearing the dirty soup bowls from her father's bedside.

THE KEEPER [Beauty & The Beast retelling]Where stories live. Discover now