Chap 1: Flying is my least favorite type

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There are way too many fics about red on mt silver and green visiting him n stuff, so imma contribute my bullshit that's not on a mountain to this, hooray-

We're sharing a story that could be used for a damn movie. Red and me were now in our twenties and m a n, we've seen some shit. From multiple regions to legendary psychic Pokémon that look like they want to kill you, we saw everything. Together. And yet I still never got to tell him that I...well, yea, that.
I'm not saying that the moment of us sitting at the beach in Alola during the sunset, alone and not all that sober anymore would've been perfect, buuut
who am i kidding
It actually was perfect.
That wasn't the only time my dumbass was too scared to just tell Red though, in fact, I had more than 20 years to tell him but never did it! Okay, well, my feelings for him didn't pop up the moment I saw him, let's not get too cliché here, but I can say that it has definitely been some time. And again, right now, thinking about all of this, I'd have the perfect chance to just tell him for Arceus's sake!
Or maybe not perfect, because I wouldn't call myself having a massive headache thanks to some weird ass sudden motion sickness in the disgustingly warm plane full of people back to Kanto oh so perfect for a confession.

"This. This is hell." I groaned out in a pained voice while watching the four islands of the tropical region getting smaller and smaller. I was also doing my best to not vomit onto the floor in front of me, which my Kanto champion friend right next to me apparently noticed, probably from how pale I must look, since he began to trace random shapes onto my back like he did with that old guy on the M. S. Anne back then. Damn, here we are at having crazy stories again. Not every eleven year old boy goes up to the captain of some ship to rub his back cuz he's seasick, but that's Red for ya, I still don't get that guy after years and years of knowing him!

The, by now, taller one out of the two of us retrieved his hand from my back for just a few seconds to hold them in front of my face and sign a question. >Are you okay?< He signed slowly so it'd be easier for my sick ass to understand. If he already knows that he has to sign slower than usual then why the hell does he even need to ask?! He's being considerate while being a total dumbass at the same time and I swear to arceus I'm moronsexual if that's what it takes to love this guy!
With a shaky sigh, I shook my head and lifted it up after having it leaned against the small window since the moment the plane took off. "Do I look okay to you man?" I sarcastically asked Red, who returned the sigh I let out a few seconds ago, though it didn't have that step back or I'll barf right into your face touch my version had.
I like his version more though, much more. Hearing his voice for once was soothing, calming, just making me happy in a really weird way that I can't even explain to myself, even if it was just a mere sigh. His voice was rarer than every legendary Pokémon in existence, but in my eyes, it was even more precious.
Alright, now I'm making myself want to let it a l l out. Another thing to add to our weird adventures at least, the story of Green Oak just vomiting onto the person sitting in the seat in front of him because he was having gay ass thoughts he probably had more than a million times already, HOORAY. Being famous is cool 'n all but not for something like that.

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my back once again, but now rubbing it this time instead of just tracing squares and circles onto it with only one finger. I looked up, being met with the gaze of two red and worried looking eyes which were apparently staring at me the whole time while I was zoned out. Red staring at me like that, the feeling of having him close but yet so far plus a headache and the feeling of being close to exploding...
This'll be one veeery long flight.

Uuuh I'll write more later?? Tomorrow? Idk, we'll see bshdbdvdv

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