Chap 2: Water is very effective against flying

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"Don't say that, dumbass!" I laughed at what Red said and punched his shoulder with a chuckle. We were sitting at one of the many beaches in the Alola region. What's the island called again...? I've always sucked at geography to be honest, but I know it's the island with those two hotels and we were staying in the fancier one. The sky was painted red and the sun was sinking ever so slowly. We searched for a spot that wasn't full of people, which took us at least half an hour, but managed to find a nice spot behind some rocks and pretty close to the water. So we were just sitting there, alone, talking and laughing, well, me having a one sided conversation most of the time, but occasionally Red decided to say, sign, something too, which was good enough. Even if he wouldn't be doing anything at all, I know that he's listening and paying attention to everything I say. Like he always did. Even when I was being an asshole like always in our childhood, he kept listening to all of my insults and taunts and even stood there until I was the one that ran off.
Thinking of that now makes me sick.
Apparently my companion noticed that I was lost in my thoughts and placed a hand on my shoulder. It wasn't very hard to notice since I kept the conversation going, and me just stopping to talk stopped Red from doing anything as well. "Oh yea, sorry. Was just thinking about.." <About...?> "About stuff." I replied to the questioning look on his face, shaking my head. He gave a nod and turned his head to face the beautiful looking reflection of the sinking sun and the colorful sky on the ocean. It was silent once again, but this time neither of us seemed to mind. It was a comfortable silence. I want to stay like this with him forever, but I can't tell him, so for now I'll just hold onto what we have. Which includes resting my head on his shoulder, though I don't even remember when I did that as well as scooting closer to the taller guy. He's warm. Not sickeningly warm like the tropical region itself during the day, just warm, in a nice and comforting way. And he smells so nice too...
I closed my eyes and leaned up with a smile.
I wanna kiss him.
I'm going to kiss him...
Wait what the hell, this isn't a beach, this is a plane, and that's Red (sadly) wearing a shirt and jeans instead of trunks, and there's an annoyed looking flight attendant, and annoyed looking people staring at me, and
Oh fuck.
I picked my horribly aching head up from the raven's shoulder and quickly turned my head away to grab one of those paper-or-whatever-material-it-is bags to let the sickness I've had inside my body for hours out. Completely. I could hear the other people on the plane judging me for feeling sick, though it's not my fault, but yknow, humans. When I was finally done after what definitely was more than two minutes, I sunk down in my seat, shaking, holding my head, and damn I felt like a Snorlax just fell onto my head after somebody dropped it from a sky scraper. Basically, I had a migraine.
"Sir, you'll need to stand up and leave the plane. We've arrived at the Kanto airport in Celadon city." The blonde flight attendant told me in the calmest voice she could manage to do right now despite being clearly pissed off beyond Unova and back. Since me and Red sat in the seats in the third row, and everybody after that row needs to wait before they'd stand up so nothing chaotic would happen, it's understandable they were extremely annoyed by some Pallet town dude losing his shit directly after finally waking up. Truth be told, I had no idea how much time passed since we landed, but it must've been some time judging by the tense atmosphere of people just wanting to go home already after sitting their asses sore on those uncomfortable seats for eight or more hours. I had no idea what to do with the bag containing my sickness, so I awkwardly placed it on the small table attached to the seat in front of me and gathered my stuff before standing up.
And immediately falling back down again thanks to a pang of pain going through my entire body, especially my head of course, what else. My eyes were pinched shut and I was rubbing my templates in an attempt to calm myself down enough to just get up and walk out of this god forsaken airplane, after that I could just collapse and would ask Red to scrap my corpse off the beton floor. I heard a sigh next to me and felt an arm sneaking its way around my torso right before being lifted up. Red gave me a sympathetic and worried yet short smile and quickly walked to the exit with me stumbling at his side after almost every step we took.
Away from the plane, away from the pain. That's what I thought at least, which turned out to be more than just wrong when I found myself in a dirty cabin of the airport bathroom hanging over a toilet, seriously just feeling like a Shedinja sucked out my soul and won't return it in only Arceus knows how many lightyears. Red was crouching behind me and back to rubbing my back, even running his fingers of his other hand through my hair. If I wouldn't be feeling so horrible this would've actually been a pretty nice moment. Yes, even for some dirty airport bathroom. I coughed a few more times but finally felt like I was done with suffering through puking. But of fucking course, the headache stayed.
I let my head rest against the toilet seat with my cheek pressed against it, though that single moment of being somewhat calm didn't hold on all that long when I felt something cold being pressed against my neck, making me flinch and smack whatever it was away out of reaction. When I turned around with an utterly confused face, I saw a surprised looking Red still crouching there, holding out a water bottle for me. "When'dcha...?" I slurred, but then just gave up talking because I really didn't feel like talking right now. Wow, now I know how Red must feel, but all the time?? Maybe I didn't know how he felt after all. Jeez, I'll never understand this man. With a thankful yet still pain filled smile I took the bottle and opened it up to take a swig from it, which turned into chugging and then emptying the plastic bottles content completely, which helped a lot and I noticed how thirsty I was in that very moment before drinking the ice cold water. Well I slept almost the whole flight back to Kanto, so I didn't consume any food, explains why I'm damn hungry too, nor drank anything for more than eight hours. Speaking of the sleeping part, I remember that dream I had now. I was so close to kissing him! But then that sassy ass looking flight attendant woke me up.
Or wait, what woke me up wasn't even a woman's voice, it was a manly, deep voice, one that'd probably be perfect for singing lullabies but also, yknow, other things. And it was the call of my name in that intoxicating voice that woke me. Was it Red?! Nah, he only speaks if it's really, really, really, r e a l l y important for him.
"You...feeling better..?" the same voice from earlier asked in a way that can't do anything but calm me in an instant. Oh.
Fuck, this guy will be the death of me!

Uuuuh more gay, enjoy y'all's gay juice™

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