Chap 3: Only thing that's flying are the butterfree in my stomach

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Seems like the question caught him off guard. If he'd go back and leave me again for another four five six or I don't know how many years, it was a question I had to ask and in my opinion, also had the damn allowance to do so. The people coming to challenge me in the gym talking about rumors they've heard about the legendary trainer on mt Silver dying or disappearing completely, I honestly can't take this shit anymore. I stopped counting on how often I curled up in the bed in my apartment while cuddling Eevee to be worried about Red or doubt that he really is still alive.
I was basically staring holes through him, making him look away with obvious guilt shimmering in his fire red eyes. He let go of his Pikachu and lifted his hands to probably start signing, I don't know, because in that exact moment we both turned our heads to the street when we heard car honking and saw my sister waving us over with a smile. Gramps was in the car too, surprisingly, considering the countless times he even forgot my name-<
Red gave me a frown and I shook my head as I got up, retrieving all my Pokémon to their poké balls except for Arcanine to place my stuff on his back and walk over to the car with him, shuddering from the cool breeze passing by. The weather in Alola was so different, I'll need a bit til I'll get used to this again. I opened the trunk to put my two bags into it, not looking at Red who followed and did the same right now. This is awkward. I feel weird from just standing next to him right now, and I gotta sit next to him in the back of the car too because Daisy just had to take Clefairy with her and let it sit on the right sise of the seat, great. Wordlessly, Red as well as me, got into the car and my siater immediately started to talk about how she missed us and what we missed and how she wants to see all the pictures and videos and blah blah blah. Gramps just greeted us and was now agreeing with Daisy here and there, about wanting to know more about the Alolan forms of the Pokémon for example. I only listened to half of the stuff they were talking about because I felt like some Bulbasaur just threw sleep powder at me. My eyelids got heavier and heavier and it was hard to keep them open at all at some point, me staying conscious being even harder. Sleep, that's all I want right now despite having done that in the plane for a damn long time. It's feeling so warm next to me, I'll just put my head there and relax for a little. Just a bit, I won't fall asleep, nah. Not again..not now...

"Green, wake up! Clefairy is obviously not comfortable in that position!" I heard a way too familiar voice yell at me like she did so often to wake me up in the past, though that last part was new. I slowly opened my eyes and felt a smack against my cheek, making me sit up and rub it out of reaction. "Ow! What the-!?" I grumbled and looked to the side to see an angry looking pink Pokémon glaring at me. Oh, so I slept on Clefairy, that's why it was so fluffy... "Alright alright, jeez... I'm tired okay?" I slurred as I waddled out of the car to get my shit out of the trunk and carry it into my apartment above the Viridian gym. But then I remembered what I asked Red before Daisy picked us up. "Where is he!?" I turned away from the back of the car to face my sister who was texting someone, stopping what she was doing though when she noticed the panic in my voice to look at me in confusion. "What?" "Red! Where the fuck is he!? Did he already go ba-" "He's visiting his mom, Green. Calm down." She said and placed a hand on my head to pet me, hell she really knew how to calm me. My heavy breathing gradually slowed down again and I closed my eyes. "Fuck...fuck. Okay, okay, so he hasn't disappeared again, that's good." I mumbled and deeply sighed along with opening my eyes again to look at my sister, receiving a relieved smile. "You want to bring your bags up there and then drive back to Pallef together?" she suggested, which actually sounded good, I really needa talk to this dumbass of a caveman! "Fuck yea I do!" "Language!" I gave her a snort at that comment while dragging my bags up the stairs.

Green: Couldcha come to our- well, Daisy's place after you're done visiting your mom?
Sent, but not read yet. I sighed when I placed my pokégear on the table in front of me and took a sip of the tea Daisy made for me, staring out the opened window at the house next door where Red was right now. I heard a huff across the table from my big sister and looked at her, seeing the grin she was wearing. "So let me get this straight-" "Gay." "Right.." she said with an eye roll. "You were on a romantic vacation, completely alone and in one of the prettiest regions existing and you still didn't tell him you love him!?" Daisy clarified with a shocked voice, getting a nod from me as a response. "Yuuup, sounds about damn right." "You're helpless yknow that?" she said and drank from her own tea. "Thanks, tell me something I don't-" I was interrupted while shooting back a counter at her teasing by the call of my Eevee, which I have as my notification tone. The cup of tea was placed on the table so abruptly that some of it was spilled onto it.
Red: I'm here.
I felt my whole body tensing up and showed Daisy the message, and all she fucking did was get up, ruffle my hair, gimme a wave and then rush upstairs. Asshole. I took a deep breath and went over to the door while making my hair look less horrible before opening the door, seeing Red who looked up from his Pokégear now. "So about mt-" I was cut off again, but this time by a much better feeling, it was a sensation that sent shivers through my whole body yet made me freeze and don't move an inch during the few seconds I felt Red kissing me. After five, maybe six seconds of both of us holding our breath for that, though I did it out of surprise, the other guy pulled just a few inches from me, still close enough so I could feel his hot breath on my lips, just sending even more shudders down my spine. Then he pulled away some more with a smile to raise his hands and sign something.
>You shouldn't let your window stay open while talking about private things.<

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