<11> "You are the victims of a Japanese trick"

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-Minho's P.O.V-
"A what?" said a girl
"A double contract, apparently we were the victims of a trick with a double contract. Practically I pay half of the rent and he pays half, that's why it was so cheap. And this trick was usually used in Japan but now it's in Korea too, great"
"And you can't just kick him out?"
"I can't, he pays half of the rent, you forgot?" I said annoyed "We will just live like this until we find another place, cause now I can't afford a new apartment to rent ok baby? I need to go now, I'll call you later, love you ♡"

I put my phone down and I was going to the living room

"So this is my room and that's yours. You don't enter my room, you don't eat what's mine and you don't touch what's mine. Ok?"
"So now you are making the rules or what?" said Jisung angry
"I'm your hyung so yes"
"Fine then"

The rules

1. Don't enter each other room
2. Don't eat each other food and snacks
3. Don't touch each other things
4. For Jisung: The bathroom is occupied from 10 pm until morning
5. For Minho: Don't bring your girlfriend over
6. For Jisung: Don't bring your friends over
7. We don't bring people over
8. In the Monday, Wednesday and Friday Jisung is washing the dishes
9. In the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Minho is washing the dishes
10. The Sunday is free from home tasks

"Wait, why am I washing the dishes Saturday? That's a free day" I said
"For you, it's not any more"
"Son of a bit-"
"Don't swear"
"Why? Whatever. Why can't you wash the dishes Saturday?"
"I have to go to the library every Saturday to studying"
"Ah right.. you're still in school," I said, "How old are you anyway?"
"I'm 18"
"I'm 20, I already finished the school"
"I know"
"Ahemm.. An f-friend told me"
"What friend?"
"You don't know him anyway"
"That's great" I said ironically "I'm going to my room cause I'm sick of you already"
"Fine then"

-Jisung P.O.V-

At Jeongin's place
"What happened hyung?" said the young one
"Why did you call us at this time? What it's so important?" said Seungmin
"So, do you know that I was shocked that the price for that place was unbelievable cheap?"
"Yea ofc"
"Actually, it was really unbelievable for only ONE person to pay that cheap price, so I was tricked, me and the other one"
"The other one?"
"Who is the other one hyung? And how did you get tricked cause I don't understand"
"So, let me explain you. In Japan it's a trick for cheap apartments, yea you live there, but not alone. Actually a person is tricked too and you two are living together paying half the REAL price. And this trick it's now in Korea too. And I was tricked, me and LEE FUCKING MINHO"
"WAIT.. THAT LEE MINHO?" said Seungmin
"OMG HYUNG how can you be that lucky to live with your crush?"
"I don't have an idea. But.. it's isn't really luck, cause he isn't that nice in real person, unless not with me. But with his girlfriends and girls in general he's a completely different person. And I don't understand why.. Is he maybe homophobic?"
"I hope he's not, cause when he will found out that he is living with a gay.." said Seungmin
"Don't talk like that hyung" said the young one
"Ok, I'm sorry. Jisung, I think everything is gonna be ok. Call us if you need help, and we can come over whenever you want :)"
"Actually sorry, but we have some rules now and he can't bring his girlfriend over and I can't bring my friend over neither"
"Oh, well that's a good thing. Now that you two will be alone, maybe you can interact more with each other"
"Yeah, maybe" I said looking at the clock "Shit I have to go, it's 9 pm and I need to make a shower until 10 pm"
"Ehh.. why?" said Seungmin confused
"Well in that rules he said that from 10 pm until the morning the bathroom is occupied"
"What a perv" said he again
"Hahah maybe, I need to go now"
"Ok bye hyung"

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