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I can't go to an official lab, and I can't go to Bruce. He would find a way to use this to his advantage. Also, I really dislike him at the moment. So instead I head back to Camp Half Blood to train the new campers. Plus, I heard the Hephaestus cabin made a new obstacle course.

"Your moves are compulsive and sloppy. If you were actually fighting someone, you would be dead by now."

The young child of Ares (I think his name is Danny but I wasn't really paying attention) scowls. "If you're such a good fighter, you do it!"

"I will." I walk to the beginning of the course and start. The timer starts as I run off, avoiding the arrows shooting at me. I roll forwards, grabbing a spear with my free hand as I roll.I turn just in time to cut an arrow in half with my sword. I throw the spear, successfully turning off the automatic arrow shooter thing. The combat robot charges towards me and I smirk. As he swings down, I flip over his back. I skillfully turn mid air, kicking it in the face. I quickly regain my balance and imaple him with my sword, ignoring the small 'Oh come on' from a Hephaestus camper.

"When going into battle, you need to be prepared to make anything into a weapon. You need to calculate before acting. It is not a matter of strength. It's a matter of skill. Take five." I march towards Dami.

Now, I know what you guys are thinking: 'Um hello, magical barrier?Ring any bells?'And no, I didn't forget. Damian and I have the same blood type, and with a little help of a blood transplant, that makes it possible to fool the barrier. Which is probably why he's avoiding the shadows like they are an angry swarm of Vashta nerada. (a/n: Doctor Who anyone? No...sorry)

"Do you always feel high when you walk through shadows?"

"That's just because you're not use to it. I usually feel safer and more powerful. Your senses are heightened when in the shadows, which is probably why you feel high," I try to explain and he nods slightly. "So what do you think of camp?"

"The Pegasus weren't completely terrible."

"Just don't go to high or Zeus might mistake you for me and try to kill you via lightning."

">Tt< I'm not an idiot."

"Yeah...that's what I said too." This comment earned a thoroughly weirded out look from Damian as I have Vietnam flashbacks.

"I don't even want to know what you did."

"Ah, your learning very quickly grasshopper."

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