New book is out

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The sequel to this is out and I've been considering doing a prequel. I don't know, I just really enjoy Ashley's [Acantha's] character. If I do the prequel, it will most likely be a pjo/hannibal crossover because what the heck, you know? 

Anyways, the third book is called 'Go Down in History'.

And here's the prologue:

Shadows swirled like a thick, black fog as the young demigod used her free hand to push through, her left one grasping firmly on the hand on her younger brother. Her shoulder length brown hair seemed to darken as it was whipped around by a wind that wasn't truly there. She gritted her teeth as she pushed forwards. "Dami, close your eyes, don't let go!"

Acantha's raspy voice seemed to come from all directions in the foggy wasteland. Damian nodded firmly, following her instructions. More voices echoed through the shadows. These were mere whispers compared to Acantha's voice mere seconds before.

Closing her eyes, she tilted her head in attempt to narrow down her goal. Her green eyes opened in a flash and she smirked. Trudging forwards, she approached the a clump of shadows that formed to reveal the outline of Jason Todd. Acantha wasted no time in stepping through.

The surprised vigilante turned as the figure of a woman who he hadn't seen in three years stepped out of the shadows with her long lost brother. "What the fu..." Her eyes rolled back into her head as she collapsed, starting to seize. Damian lunged forwards to catch her, but she phazed right through him.

The young assassin glanced up. "What are you doing? Call Nico! Now!"

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