Mama Spider Part 1

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Hopefully this is what you were looking for @Lindalara77 for your request for bonding with black widow I added another element of gay Peter I hope you don't mind :)

"Peter come on you can't stay in your room all day!" Tony yelled at the spiderling through the door. He hadn't come out at all and whenever one of the avengers knocked on the door he would mumble something along the lines of wanting to be alone.

But Tony had missed the excited ball of energy and was about ready to burst into the room if he didn't come out soon. "Please, Mr. Stark. I just need some time to myself," Peter called on the other side of the door.

He was laying on his welcoming bed with tears streaming down his face, staring at the ceiling. Peter heard a defeated sigh and footsteps outside of his room.

He felt bad about ignoring everyone all day but he didn't think he could deal with anyone right now. Just as he was about to fall into another seemingly random fit of tears, his door flew open. He looked up expecting to see Tony, but was instead greeted with an annoyed Natasha.

"Okay, kid you gotta come out here Clint is driving me insane. What's got you so down?" She asked sitting beside Peter on the gigantic bed.

Peter sat up, a sigh escaping his lips. "Remember how I came out as gay to you guys last week?" he paused watching Natasha nod. "Well I figured I'd tell aunt May yesterday, since I knew I was coming here for the weekend. So if anything went wrong we could both have a little space to ourselves."

Natasha grabbed Peter's hand and squeezed it, encouraging him to continue. "So I told her. At first she didn't say anything. And then she started yelling and throwing her hands in the air, going on about how much of a disappointment I turned out to be-"

Peter broke off into sobs. Seeing where this was going, Natasha pulled him into a hug. "Then she told me I couldn't live with her and she wanted me out of the house now. I didn't hear the rest since I was crying."

"Oh, baby spider. It's okay, I've got you," Natasha soothed as she rocked him back and forth. She continued, "You know we except you for who you are. We all love you so much. You can stay here, you know that right?"

Peter's big doe eyes looked up as he nodded. "Thanks mama spider," he mumbled. Black widow couldn't help the smile that emerged on her lips.

"Anything for you ребенок паук."

Peter grinned at the words and stood up. "I need something to take my mind off of this how about we go find the others?"

Natasha nodded and they walked out of his room that would soon become permanent. When they reached the common room they saw all the Avengers eating lunch.

Tony was the first to see them, he took note of Peter's red puffy eyes. "Ah finally you're here! Just in time for lunch. Come sit down Pete, Capsicle made you a grilled cheese sandwich.

So the duo joined the table and many conversations broke out. Peter was glad for the happy distraction and his day seemed to be looking up. It only got better when everyone went quiet when the words, "I have an idea," were heard from a grinning Tony.

Now all eyes were on him. "You know what we haven't done in a while? Ultimate hide and seek." At this Peter squealed. Oh this was going to be fun.

Everyone got up and started chatting excitedly about the teams and so forth when Scott, aka ant man, spoke up, "What's ultimate hide and seek? Remember guys I just came here a couple weeks ago."

Clint grinned evilly, "Only the most terrifying and exciting game of hide and seek ever. There are two teams: the hiders and the seekers. The seekers all wait in a room, while the hiders split up with comms in theirs ears to warn each other. They split up and hide. When the seekers come out the rule is that if they see someone then they have to say their name to get them out.

"So if that means shooting a web over someone's eyes or throwing a shield in their face to block their view then so be it. And any cheating will be monitored by FRIDAY. The seekers win if all the hiders are out in the given time and the hiders win if at least one person is still standing by the end of the time, which is an hour."

A grin appeared on Scott's face. He liked the sound of this. "So what are the teams?" This question caused a flurry of shouts.

"I call being with Natasha!"
"I want Bucky!"
"No way you suck at this game!"
"What about me?!"
"Can I use my Ironman suit?!"

All of this was quieted by Bruce who held his hand up. "Since I'm going to sit this one out, It's only fair that I pick the teams. Okay?"

Everyone nodded. "Okay for the seekers we'll have Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Clint, Scott, and Sam. For the hiders we'll have Natasha, Peter, Tony, Rhodey, Thor, and Vision. Only the top 4 floors are allowed."

No one seemed to disagree with the teams, everyone was just eager to play. This was going to be good.

I had this draft sitting here and I was going to do one long part but I'd figured I'd just post this and do a part two once I got time. I'm so sorry I hate doing short chapters.

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