...And a tear across the face (Part 2)

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This is NOT EDITED pls comment any mistakes!

Peter's POV
Beep. Beep. Beep. An annoying noise pulls me out of my slumber. Beep. Beep. Beep. What is that? Is that an EKG? And why does it sound so muddled?

I feel my hands twitch as I try to open my eyes, failing. "PETER?!" That was Mr. Stark. No... Dad. With a newfound hope I force my eyelids open. "D-dad?"

As light floods my vision, I see my adoptive dad looking at me with a worried expression. I try to sit up but he puts a hand in my shoulder. "Not yet Pete. You're still too weak," he says.

I simply nod, but I can't shake the feeling that something's off. Discomfort and pain... in my chest? "W-what hap-happened?"

He looks down solemnly. "Remember how I let you call you come on a mission with us to take down a guy named the punisher?" I nod it. It was slowly coming back to me.

He continues, "Well we all though the Hulk killed him so we approached him. I was dumb and stepped out of my suit. All of the sudden the guy whips out a pistol and shoots at me. You pushed me out of the way. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead." He says the last part quietly.

I take this in for a moment. If I didn't have my super-healing, I would be dead. Even with my healing I should be dead how am I alive? I sigh, "I'm sorry."

Dad's Head snaps up to mine with a confused look. "You're sorry? Oh Peter, you have nothing to be sorry about. This is all my fault I love you so much and I'm so sorry I let this happen to you. Oh Peter..."

I give him a light smile, "It's not your fault. It was the person's who pulled the trigger fault. I love you too Dad."

He grins like a maniac, probably at the fact of me calling him Dad. He puts his hand through my hair and pulls it through the messy curls. We sit like that for a while, me leaning into his touch. All of the sudden Dad's smile drops. "Pete, you should know, um... how do I say this?" What the heck is that supposed to mean? What's wrong? Is something wrong with me?

"Your heart was damaged by the bullet so we had to put in... we had to put in..." he huffs.
I give his hand a squeeze, encouraging him to go on.

"We had to put an arc reactor in your chest... it's the only thing keeping you alive." I can't help it, I laugh. Why was he afraid to say that? That's so cool! He quirks his eyebrows up in surprise.

"Now I'm just like you! That's sick!"

He gives me another confused look, "Peter I don't think you understand. You have metal in your chest."

"Don't forget about the nano particles. Wait! Does that mean I can have a built in Spider-Man suit?! Oh my gosh Neds going to freak! This his so cool!"

My dad shakes his head at my antics, but I don't fail to notice the grin that makes its way up his cheeks. "Well then, that's good that you like it because you're stuck with it. And yeah, I can probably use the nano tech to incorporate your suit into it.

My smile shoots up towards my eyes. I pull the sheet back and get a first look at me chest. In it is a triangle shaped arc reactor, emitting a blue light. I trace a finger around it and notice how rough the skin is around it. It must've been a rushed operation.

"Can I see Mom and the others?"


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