A Cup Of Bitter Makes Life Better

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Love is like a ........ Blablablabla. Love? Its uhm how should I say this, useless. You fall in love then you break you fall again then you break. It sounds stupid right?

Hi im jane delos reyes you can call me jan-jan. Im 23 years old im working as a ceo in my dads company.

Everyday my life is just work, work and work. I could only rest like half a day. You might be asking why im bitter well heres the story.

I once believed on fairytales, prince charming and happy ever after. But how can you believe if even your own family is broken. My dad caught my mom cheating on another guy. My dad couldnt take it so he settled for divorce. But for me i still believe on seeing my one true love.

One day at the park i saw a hot guy with blonde hair. He asked my name and we've been great friends. To make the long story short . We turned into couples. On the night of our 6thmonthsary i was waiting for him at the restaurant when i saw him outside kissing with another girl. Can you believe that? And really on our monthsary. You know what I did i got my sandals get out and throw it at his face. And ya it hurts then we broke up then ther i became bitter.

Well i think thats all. Many have tried to court me. Like these chinese guy

"Hey jane" he said

"Hey" i said in a sarcastic way

"Uhm i have some fortune cookies for you"

I open it and there was a writing "hi jane i love you from the buttom of my heart"

And i was like eew and he spelled bottom wrong.

"Uhm yah uhm hey im allergic to chinese so yah uhm bye i guess" i said

So i left and then he started crying like a baby.

Boys are so stupid sometimes a moron. I hate them!!

(Our house family dinner fathers side)

"Hey jan-jan come here for a second" dad calling me

"Yah" i said

"Mister franko here or should i say your uncle had a men for you to meet" he said

"Oh come on dad not with your love thingy again" i said

" hey youre getting old you need to have a family some kids" he said

" there are no good guys like you anymore besides i dont wanna leave you" i replied

"That's sweet honey but seriously you need to find someone okay?" He said

"Sure dad ill tell you when i find someone" i said

So yah i didnt really meant what i said. And besides no one was courting me now? I guess there afraid? But its a great thing no hassle.

So next morning i went to my office and to my surprise I saw a rose and a cup of coffee with a post it saying

"hi there beautiful ready for work? "

Well i was shocked and the i thought my dad did this.

So i went to his office. And asked him

"Dad are you the sweet guy that gave me flowers and a cup of coffee"

"Ha? I just arrived. Oh do you have a suitor now? Im so proud of you"

" shut up dad!!" I said

Then it hit me who gave this? I have A suitor? Who? And why?

I got excited but i just forget about it. Bitter you know hehe

Well following day this kept happening . Different flowers different coffee.

Sometimes I blush but then again im bitter so it's none of my buisness.

The following morning a man with a great suit knock on my office.

I let him in. Then he gave me flowers i said thank you in a sarcastic way. Then he told me he loves me.

Wait2 is it too fast?


Hi guys just finished this story. I know its boring but ill make the next chapter more interesting.


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