Group chat

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Photo_Joseph added MichikoGeisha , HandsomeRipper, LeoloveEmma , Spiderleta, DeerBANE , OctoGOD , Joker_Clown to the group 

Photo_Joseph : bienvenue~

HandsomeRipper : what ?

Photo_Joseph : it's mean welcome in French

LeoloveEmma : Seriously Joseph ?  we can come to the living room if it's only for conversation.

Photo_Joseph : but i am bored 

Photo_Joseph : and most of you will be lazy to talk , so I made this group ^^

LeoloveEmma : okay , that's right

LeoloveEmma :  but I think you forgot to add someone.

Photo_Joseph : who ? 

MichikoGeisha : oh right , how cruel~ 

Photo_Joseph : whaaat ? I'm not cruel ! believe me , I'm the most friendly hunter in the game

Joker_Clown : and then you realized that you aren't.

HandsomeRipper : N I C E  savage 

LeoloveEmma : anyway

LeoloveEmma : you still don't know who ?

Photo_Joseph : nope , who ?

HandsomeRipper : dude , WuChang

Photo_Joseph : what ? 

Photo_Joseph : oh.... wait ,  does he have a cellphone ?

HandsomeRipper : Dude...really ???? 

MichikoGeisha : he has two cellphones , one for the White guard and the other for the Black Guard , so maybe you can add them ?

Photo_Joseph : I don't have their contact tho

Joker_Clown : said the guy who just claimed himself to be the most friendly hunter.

Photo_Joseph : plz stop

MichikoGeisha : It's okay , I have their contact. I'll add them. 

MichikoGeisha added XieBi_White , FanWu_Black to the group.

Photo_Joseph : hiiii~~

XieBi_White : oh my...this is nice.

Photo_Joseph : thanks!  :)

FanWu_Black left the group

Photo_Joseph added FanWu_Black to the group 

Photo_Joseph : Hey there ! you can't leave without saying hi~

FanWu_Black : sorry

FanWu_Black : hi

FanWu_Black left the group 

Photo_Joseph added FanWu_Black to the group 

Photo_Joseph : okay , I change my words.

Photo_Joseph : you can't leave 

FanWu_Black : fuck

XieBi_White : language

HandsomeRipper : wait... White , are you changing form everytime you or black want to chat ?

XieBi_White : haha of course not. it will definitely be troublesome.

HandsomeRipper : then, how can you reply to the chat in a short time?

XieBi_White : well.... it's hard to explain....but...

XieBi_White : black_is_playing_with_his_phone_beside_me.jpg

HandsomeRipper : WHat 

Photo_Joseph : OMG , he's really there ???

FanWu_Black : yeah , but when he managed to make this happen , he cried. 

MichikoGeisha : awww~ so cute

XieBi_White : It's because I love you and  the moment when I can see you next to me.... I'm so happy that I cried.

FanWu_Black : plz don't 

MichikoGeisha : I know that you're blushing now , Black~

FanWu_Black : stfu

HandsomeRipper : Gosh.... I'm jealous... I wish that I can have a cute moment with Naib too....

OctoGOD : Then , you will be more jealous about this , Jack. 

HandsomeRipper : wut 

OctoGOD : When I'm in the game ,  I'm already sent 3 of survivors back to the manor...

OctoGOD : But I put Eli to the dungeon 

OctoGOD : and you know what ? 

XieBi_White : I'm listening


HandsomeRipper : WHAT


FanWu_Black : Is it just me or is it weird to imagine that octo become this out of character just because his crush just smile at him ?

Joker_Clown : yea it's weird

XieBi_White : WuJiu

XieBi_White : please

XieBi_White : Don't ruin his happiness. 

OctoGOD : thanks ,White

XieBi_White : you're welcome

Photo_Joseph : why u guys having crush on survivors ? isn't that illegal ?

MichikoGeisha : oh dear , maybe someday you will too.

LeoloveEmma : you always looks so happy when you saw the embalmer in the game.

Photo_Joseph : well....he's cute....but I don't like him because he's annoying.

LeoloveEmma : yea sure

MichikoGeisha : anyway guys , we have to rest because tmr we still have survivors to play with.

Photo_Joseph : that's right ! bonne nuit~ 

the group is offline 

A/N :

I have planned to make this for a long time . So....hope you like it~ 

I'm bad in English :')) 

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