Group Chat (3)

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Photo_Joseph : Guys

Photo_Joseph : I'm bored

Jack_Subedar : I'm tired 

Jack_Subedar : I just finished the game

Jack_Subedar : with Wu Chang ofc 

Xie_Wujiu : you fucking shit 

Xie_Wujiu : you let that mercenary escape

Jack_Subedar : because I'll do anything for my future little waifu~

Xie_BiAn : at least we managed to capture 7 survivors.

Xie_BiAn : I understand your feelings , Jack 

Jack_Subedar : White 

Jack_Subedar : my only best friend 

Jack_Subedar : thanks

Xie_BiAn : you're welcome :)

Photo_Joseph : anyway guys

Photo_Joseph : I have an idea

MichikoHelena<3 : what is that ?

Photo_Joseph : Let's play kiss , marry , kill

Jack_Subedar : that's interesting~ 

OctoGOD : I'm joining~

DeerBANE : Do I also have to join ?

Photo_Joseph : if you feel yourself a hunter, you have to join

Joker_Clown : Is that coercive ?

MichikoHelena<3 : please just join already

Joker_Clown : fine...

Photo_Joseph : alright 

Photo_Joseph : where's Leo and that spiderlady ?

LeoloveEmma : dude, I'm here

LeoloveEmma : but Violetta needs help

LeoloveEmma : her arms are so short she can't type.

Spiderleta : I can type 

Spiderleta : but I can't take my cellphone from the table.

Spiderleta : fortunately, Burke came and gave me my cellphone.

LeoloveEmma : I see 

Photo_Joseph : okay , so everyone has joined.

Photo_Joseph : Let's begin

Photo_Joseph : who wants to start ?

MichikoHelena<3 : Me~~

MichikoHelena<3 : this one is for Jack 

Jack_Subedar : give it to me , Lady

MichikoHelena<3 : Kiss, Marry or Kill : Black , Forward or Naib 

Xie_Wujiu : why me

Jack_Subedar : Easy peasy~

Jack_Subedar : Marry Naib , Kiss Black , Kill Forward

Xie_Wujiu : wtf

Xie_Wujiu : I don't want to be kissed by you.

Xie_BiAn : Jack

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