Group Chat (4) PART 1

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Jack_Subedar added NaibSubedar_ to the group

Xie_Wujiu : Jack what the fuck

Xie_BiAn : you can't  invite a survivor to this group

Jack_Subedar : I'm sorry guys 

Jack_Subedar : But Naib asked me to

Joker_Clown : that won't do Jack

Xie_Wujiu : kick him out 

NaibSubedar_ : yeah kick me

NaibSubedar_ : And I will tell my teammates about your plan

Joker_Clown : fuck you

Jack_Subedar : you can't 

Jack_Subedar : he's mine

Xie_Wujiu : what do you want ?

NaibSubedar_ : nothing

NaibSubedar_ : I'm just bored

MichikoHelena<3 added HelenaMindeye to the group

Xie_Wujiu : NOT YOU TOO

MichikoHelena<3 : please don't be mad black

Joker_Clown : Wait

Joker_Clown : She's blind

Joker_Clown : How can she type

HelenaMindeye : of course I can

HelenaMindeye : I can type the cipher machines faster than other survivor

Xie_Wujiu : wait , I got a very bad feeling about this

Xie_Wujiu : Octo , don't you fucking dare

OctoGOD added EliSeer_Clark to the group 

Xie_Wujiu : GO DIE

OctoGOD : I'm sorry Black

OctoGOD : but it's unfair if only you and white that can making out here

Jack_Subedar : that's right !

EliSeer_Clark : hello everyone

Xie_BiAn : he's nice 

Xie_BiAn : he can stay

Xie_Wujiu : no he can't

Photo_Joseph added Aesop_Carl to the group

Joker_Clown : WHYY

Aesop_Carl : Why I'm here

DeerBANE : this has gone too far  

DeerBANE : kick them out

MichikoHelena<3 : Please guys

OctoGOD : let them be here for a while

Photo_Joseph : yeah 

Jack_Subedar : just for a while

EliSeer_Clark : don't worry hunters

EliSeer_Clark : we promise we won't leak about this

Joker_Clown : yeah you won't 

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