Chapter 4 (Special) Part 1

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Jack_Subedar added ImTheHost to the group 

IloveBiAn : who tf is that ?!

NaibSubedar_ : There's no way Jack invite the real host.

ImTheHost : I'm the host of the manor guys

DeerBANE : you aren't

Xie_BiAn : The host never said "guys" before

ImTheHost : don't blown my cover white

Jack_Subedar : sorry guys , I have to add her.

Jack_Subedar : or else she will leak my darkest secret

Joker_Clown : now I'm interested

Xie_BiAn : what secret ? 

ImTheHost : should I tell u white

Jack_Subedar : nO

Jack_Subedar : PLEASE

Jack_Subedar : HAVE MERCY

Xie_BiAn : I am curious now

ImTheHost : you have to

ImTheHost : because your Black is involved in this matter 

IloveBiAn : whAT

Joker_Clown : IM SHOOKED

Aesop_Carl : anyway , who are you ?

ImTheHost : I'm the host

EliSeer_Clark : I can completely see that you aren't

ImTheHost : I mean I'm the host of this story 

ImTheHost changed their name to KirroKir_

IloveBiAn : so you're the one who made this shit

KirroKir_ : nO

KirroKir_ : I mean , yes I am

Joker_Clown : what are u doing here ?

KirroKir_ : because we have to entertain guests ~

IloveBiAn : WHat 

KirroKir_ : I have been watching you guys play this Truth or Dare

KirroKir_ : And it's unfair for our precious readers because they can only read.

KirroKir_ : So , I give them a chance to play with you too~

NaibSubedar_ : fuck this shiet I'm out

KirroKir_ has locked this group

KirroKir_ : no one leave

Photo_Joseph : How can you do that ?!

Xie_BiAn : well , she's the host

MichikoHelena<3 : She can do anything despite our will

KirroKir_ : Don't say something like that Michiko

KirroKir_ : you make me look like the antagonist

Joker_Clown : are

HelenaMindeye : hi guys

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