Blossoming Love

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Petey smiled, turning up his iPod's volume as he fumbled through his bag for his notebook, kicking his feet up on the desk, singing along, softly and quietly, to the song that played through the headphones. He had about ten minutes until school started. Upon noticing this, he brought his legs off the desk, and flipped open his notebook - picking up his mechanical pencil and pressing the eraser down to push the grey piece of led and pressed the tip down onto the white piece of paper. He began doodling on the blank sheet piece of paper, idly doodling Gary's name onto the page, before looking down at his iPod, putting his passcode into it before changing the song and turning up the volume. He erased the doodle quickly, making sure his name was completely erased. He looked up, surprised to see the brunette there looking down at him. "A-Aghhh..!" He exclaimed as he rocked back on his chair and it tipped him backwards, causing his headphones to rip out of his ears. "G-Gary..! God damn it, you scared me.." A bashful chuckle passed his lips as he got to his feet and picked up his chair. "I didn't hear you come in..." He said nervously as he sat back down in his chair, refusing to meet Gary's piercing gaze.

Gary's lips curled into a smirk at the sight of the flustered boy on the floor, a cackle escaping him as he took his seat behind him, resting his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. "You shouldn't rock on your chair Femme-Boy, you should know this." He said teasingly as he kicked his legs up onto his desk, nudging Pete's neck with the tip of his boot, earning a shudder and a yelp from the boy in the pink shirt. "Hey..! Cut it out, Gary..!"

The bell rang before Gary had the chance to turn Pete's cheeks any darker and students started filing into the classroom. A devious grin graced Gary's lips as the teacher began calling names of students, he leant forward in his seat to whisper in Pete's ear, letting out a warm breath against his ear. "Try not to blush when she says your name, tomato face." He hissed before sliding back down into his seat, leaving Pete bright red in the face.

By the time the class ended Petey felt as if his face was going to explode. Gary fucking Smith was always doing this to him and it was driving him insane.

Gary sauntered past Pete on his way out of the empty classroom, his hand reaching out to slap the males's rear before he sprinted out of the classroom and down the hall, Petey's whines and wailing following him all the way back to the boy's dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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