The beginning (2)

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A/n: In this Amelia is 5 years old which means she's the same age as yang. By the way my story may be bad, since English ain't my best subject but I'll keep trying to improve on it👍.
At the moment my parents were out on a mission while me and ames were just staying at home. yes, they leave a 6-year-old and 5 in a house alone😑.

???POV(a few hours ago):

???: "aaaaand.done!" as I step back from my
project, I grinned with satisfaction at it. 'all those months of working on this is going to pay off wait till yang sees this!'.

Amelia: "brother, what are you working on?"

I turned around to see Amelia walking into my room, wearing her usual outfit:

I turned around to see Amelia walking into my room, wearing her usual outfit:

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While I was just wearing my grey hoodie and black jeans. I smiled at her and motioned her to come closer, but not near enough to see what it was.

???:" if you want to know it's yang's birthday present since I thought it'll be perfect for her hehe." I nervously scratch the back of my head and tried to avoid my sister's gaze.

Amelia: "well that's sweet of you!so does that mean you like yang hmmm?" she then gave me a playful smirk, ' oh shit' I went wide-eyed then quickly responded.

???: " I-i me-ean I don't h-hate he-r, but it's not like that!" i shouted blushing.

Amelia: " *giggles* it's all right I totally understand, anyways do you have a name for it?" she then pointed the gift behind my back which keep in mind was out of her sight.

I gave her a confident look and proudly took them off the desk and showed them to her.

???:" Glad you asked. I call them......Ember Celica."

She was awestruck by this and was completely speechless

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She was awestruck by this and was completely speechless.

???:" so what do you think?"

Amelia: "I think it's perfect" she gave me a warm smile.

???: " thanks, Amy do you want to help me test it out?".she then gave me a small nod so I took Ember Celica and we headed to the backyard.

When we got outside I equipped the gauntlets and was ready to punch one of the many trees around us, until I saw someone, now in the darkness, behind the trees just a few meters away I could see him. He was wearing a skull-like glass mask with pipes on him and a life support system, and probably a black suit?. But he felt familiar to me like I should know him.

A Rwby story:It's been a while(Yang x Oc){Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now