The start of something new/"Ruby Rose"

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I was in the cold,dark metal room, huddle in the corner watching shadows past by the metallic door. I was looking at my scars I've received over the past years I've been in this place for, there's a total of five leaders in The Hand. I knew they're leader was the man wearing the glass skull mask, he went by ' All for one' but I never figured out his real name, But that doesn't mean I'll quit trying.

' who do you think will feel our wrath on the next Mission Damian?' He asked me, but I just ignored him. ' don't be like that Damian, I know how you feel about the bloodshed. You're drawn to it, to have the warm red liquid on your hands trickling down. It's satisfying isn't it.'

(Young)Damian: " shut up, just leave me alone" I mumbled. 'I know what you want Damian, you crave the blood. The Screams of a human begging for your mercy while you skin them alive. You love it'.

(Young)Damian: " W-why can't you just leave me alone?!", I pleaded for him to stop.' But Damian I'm in your mind! Don't you understand that! I know your nightmares and Dreams, I know your secrets and desires. I am you!'. I just closed my eyes shut and listened to his laughter, he is right. He is me, and he is the worst part of me, I'm terrified of the things he'll make me do if he takes over. I have to try to stop him but that's a if I can though.


It was 6p.m at the moment and I was riding my motorcycle through Vale towards a location me and ozpin agreed to meet at, it was a coffee house called anteiku.( a/n: if you watch Tokyo ghoul you'll get it).

When I got there I stopped infront of the place and got off my motorcycle and entered, The coffee house wasn't that crowded but it did have this weird vibe to it. I walked over to one of those booths to see ozpin sipping on coffee while reading the newspaper.

Damian: " Sup, Ozzie". I said giving him a wry smile, he kept the newspaper and looked at me with radiant eyes.

Ozpin: " I still can't believe your alive after all this time Damian."

Damian: "heh, me too Ozzie

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Damian: "heh, me too Ozzie. I'm sorry if this is all of the sudden ozpin, Me calling years after the kidnapping and stuff. But I need your help now."

Ozpin: " Come, take a seat. We have a lot to talk about, But first, May you tell me how did Qrow know of your 'escape' from the place you were held captive in and not inform me of it?". Oh, right I forgot to mention that I made Qrow promise to not tell anyone about our meeting, since I told I'd do it myself when I'm ready. So I guess this is a perfect time then.

Damian: " Oh, I told Qrow not to tell anybody of our encounter, don't go to hard on him." I told him as I slid into the booth like a pro.

Ozpin: " So I assume that you weren't ready was that it?". He asked with that unreadable expression of his.

A Rwby story:It's been a while(Yang x Oc){Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now