Chapter Three

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I apologize for the delay. I had been too busy to even edit.


Nandini Murthy

Adjusting my Ray-Ban, I exit the jewellery section of the mall with a small stylish handbag hanging by my arm. I carry the bag as if it weighs nothing when in reality, it's like a ton down my arm. But I have to pretend because I can't afford people knowing that the bag is fully filled with jewels.

I sigh in relief as half of my work is done. All I need to do now is to choose two dresses for two idiots and I will look for some branded watch, maybe. I make my way towards the watches' section to pass my time as dresses are the last one on my priority list.

Today's day just hasn't been a normal one till now. I had woken up to the shouts of my foster mother at 5:30 a.m. in the morning. Even though, my regular time to wake up is 6 am, I had to unwillingly get my ass out of the bed. After that, she had ordered me to keep the breakfast ready till seven—usually, it's eight—before going back to sleep. And the reason behind those pathetic changes in my schedule is—Princess Soha had to go to her new job at eight.

Arghhh! All the time, I had to stick around her ass and give her whatever she demands. All I wanted back then was to strangle her for being a cry baby and also for constantly nagging for waking up earlier.

Plus, I want to kill her boss as well for calling her so early. What is his name? Yeah, Manik Malhotra. I'm sure, he's just another money-minded blood sucker oldie like Wesley. All rich people are just the same. But, if I ever meet him personally, I'll surely strangle him until he agrees to call Soha a couple of hours later.

The Murthy family made me run all over the house as if their Princess isn't going for a job but for her own wedding. And what had been more pathetic? Alya and Isha telling her to seduce him into sleeping with her so that their unlimited supply of money cab begin.

Though, I don't think Soha wants anything different as her actions tell the same. Trust me, I'd never seen Soha wear a shorter dress before. They all are equally disgusting. But who cares? A few months more and I won't care even if they die, let alone sleeping with rich old fuckers.

My thoughts break when I bump into someone. I fall down with that man on top of me. Fuck this bumping! He flirty smiles at me and I have already murdered him a thousand times in my mind, in various cruel ways. I give him a seductive smile, wrapping my one arm around his neck. It's just I had a little change of mind when my eyes fell on the chain hanging by his neck. Unlocking it, I catch it with my other hand and shove it into my jean pocket while he is still busy staring at me lustily.

I try to shove him off me but he doesn't seem interested to do so. Told ya, all these rich people are same. Rolling my eyes, I kick hard in his groin and then he is yelling in pain beside me. I get up, dusting my hands, and picking up my handbag before I walk away.

Tossing his chain into my handbag, I enter the watches' section. When the workers over there aren't looking at me, I pull out a 'Wesley gifted' device which deactivates the security system. These stores use RFID security of suitable frequencies and when the RFID on the tag catches the precise frequency signal, it goes off. And this device just radiates the exact frequency. In simple words, the device I had is a miniature version of what is being used at the billing counters to deactivate these tags. (A/N: The device is a product of my imagination.)

I slyly pick up a watch worth $10k, which I'd spotted earlier. Deactivating its tag and shoving the watch into my pocket, I exit the section. If I'm able to steal this much then it is only because of that Wesley. Sometimes, I feel grateful towards him but then I remember him asking me to sleep with him for money and I fuck off such thoughts.

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