Chapter Four

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Nandini Murthy

My face turns to a crying one and mentally I've already cried buckets; but I try to smile as Mr. Riche-Rich stills his gaze on me. There are only the two of us present in the elevator.

I don't want to be here. I actually can't afford to be here. What if he finds out that I have stolen his car?

Simple. Bye life. Hi jail.

I spin around to leave but the door get closed on my face. I fake a big smile as I see him remove sexy his fingers off the buttons. I'm fucking going to kill him for this!

He gives me a weird look, probably after understanding my I-am-controlling-myself-from-killing-you-right-now expressions. I fake another big smile as I greet him, "Hi there."

"It's nice meeting you again." He attempts to start a conversation.

No! It's not!

"Feelings mutual." I smile.

I stand there, holding my bags and thinking about ways to not let the fear in my heart of getting caught show to my face. It's just a matter of few more seconds and then I'll never see him again, let alone him knowing that I stole his car.

"It seems you love to shop a lot Miss Pinky." It seems as though he is teasing me for that name as he presses more onto it.

Look at him. Just look at him. He doesn't even seem affected by the fact that his $5 million car was stolen yesterday. It's not even been 24 hours to that and he isn't even bothered about it. Spoilt sons of rich fathers, I tell you. Careless.

"Yeah. A lo—" I stop dead as the elevator comes to an abrupt halt with a jerk and flushing me to him. I clutch his T-shirt in my palms in an attempt to balance myself.

NOOOOO!!! This just can't be happening!!!

"What the f—" The good girl in me stops me from uttering anything further. I leave him abruptly and pick up my fallen handbag as if my life depends on it. Maybe, it actually does.

What is it with him? If he's rich that doesn't mean everyone is! Why does he have to hurt my dear dollars every time we bump? I so hate him for this! Well, now I can just pray that any ornament didn't break.

"You okay?"

"Yes!" I snap. I have to stay here for God knows how long, with a bag filled with stolen jewels. What if he finds this out? And what if that makes him guess about his stolen car?

"Chill, Miss Pinky." He teases again and with each passing second, I am getting angrier. I so hate it when he calls me 'Pinky'. Huh!

"It might be a glitch." He assures, "The elevator will start soon."

"Glitch???" I yell out of frustration, "Can't the authorities take care of these glitches?"

This glitch can cost me my fucking life! Underneath all my anger and profanities—lies a deep, deep fear. Fear of getting caught by someone. Fear of going to jail. It's not like I actually fear going to jail, I know I'll come out that prison after a few years but what about that another imprisonment I will be stuck in for a lifetime?

I deeply fear that.

"Idiots!" I angrily mutter underneath my breath, resisting the urge to flip the bird.

"Why are you getting so hyper? Wait—are you claustrophobic?" He enquires.


"Then?" He raises that sexy eyebrow of his and I am burning in jealousy once again. He's just so hot and sexy. But, I'm frustrated, so frustrated at the moment that I may just cry. I need to get out of here so that I will have enough time to sell all these and return back home before seven. Plus, I have an appointment too.

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