Chapter 1 - Red Sun Over Paradise

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It was a normal day in Kyoto Japan, people were busy at work and some students were hanging out with friends or doing after school activities, it was now sundown and you sighed as you put down your metal bat, you quickly grabbed a cigarette from one of those dead delinquents and began to smoke before leaning on the wall behind you, you felt calm, completely and utterly at peace, which is surprising considering you just killed seven delinquents, one of them being their banchou, you smashed their heads in and beat them all to death which was perfectly fine with you, you didn't give a shit at all

You were just a monster

It was on that day you met your grandfather, he was very old, around 85, maybe even 90 years old, and even then he was still as active as you, you were nothing but a delinquent, and he was the Kannushi of the nearby shinto shrine... on that day he was told that his daughter and son in law had died, he also knew that it was up to him to raise you and show you the right path, the path away from your delinquency, you thought this was ridiculous, for this old man to care about a killer like you, but you could tell he wasn't afraid of you, you simply grabbed your bloody bat and walked with him back home, that was two years ago...

Today was a normal day for you, you got up and went to fulfill your duties as the shinshoku of the Seimei shrine 

Today was a normal day for you, you got up and went to fulfill your duties as the shinshoku of the Seimei shrine 

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Yes this is the real Seimei Shrine)

You went to broom the floors and rake the leaves scattered about the place, completing your chores was always relaxing... over the past two years your grandpa has helped you become a better person, he thought you manners and how to be kind and mild-mannered young man instead of that monster you used to be... however you were never able to let go of that life completely, the horrors you committed were seared into your memories... You were gonna go check on the wishes that the people have left on the front of the shrine when your pet fox suddenly ran towards you, it began to yelp and run around you frantically, which was incredibly weird since it usually ignored you

You: "Geez... what is it now Yakedo..."

You began to follow the fox into your grandpa's room when you saw him still in bed, you instantly sighed as you realized what was going on

Gramps: "Y/N-Kun... I took you in and I thank you for helping me take care of the shrine..."

You: "No problem..."

Gramps: "As a practitioner of Onmyoudou... I know what will happen soon... I'm sure you know what will happen soon as well..."

You: "Yeah it doesn't take a fortune teller to guess..."

Gramps: "Good... don't feel bad, I need you to stay steadfast and take over the shrine in my place..."

He then got out of bed and grabbed his cane

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