Diamond's are a thief's best friend...

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Hey guys, this is my first story, so please comment and vote so that I know how i'm doing, And also, I know, the first chapter is kind of boring but keep on reading and I promise you won't be disappointed.

Hope you enjoy!!




I don't do it because I need the money. I don't do it because I need more drama in my life. No, it's the thrill, the adrenaline that keeps me going. It is the idea that I can get away with it, as I have been doing for the past few years. It initially started small. Anything to see if I could get away with it. You know, things like stealing the answers to my forthcoming geometry test from the teacher's cabinets or candy from a baby. Yes, I did that. The baby started screaming so loud, I thought the security alarms had gone off, so naturally I returned the candy. Big baby!

Why did I start? There are no grand answers, no Robin Hood tales of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor or fighting against the injustices of a capitalistic society. No the answer is much simpler than that. Well, the answer, my dears, is that I was simply bored. It all happened on a Wednesday. I was attending one of my mother's charity events, this time for endangered species, more specifically Javan Rhinos, and was surrounded by New York City's cream de la cream, the top elite. Having been to so many before, I knew from past experience that these events were not so much about the function itself but about showing off the riches. Everywhere I looked, I saw Chanel, Armani, Dior, Cavalli, Louboutins, Blahniks accessorised with the latest from de Beers, Cartier and Harry Winston. These were the most influential people in the world and I couldn't care less. Every conversation bored me and was full of pretences.

'This', I thought to myself while staring around the room from my spot on top of the stairwell, 'is my life.' The restless feeling that had become a constant part of my everyday life craved an outburst. I was too busy controlling my boredom to notice that one of the senator's wife, Mrs Roberts, had stopped her descent down the stairwell to instead come and stand next to me.

"Boring, isn't it Olivia" she said. "A young girl such as yourself should be out having fun instead of attending these functions"

"My mother is on the organising party, Mrs Roberts. I want to show my support for the Rhinos. I believe that any financial support can make a definite difference for those poor animals." I said with the right amount of concern and enthusiasm in my voice.

Always diplomatic. Always charming. But always, above all, appropriate. And all of it was a show. That was me. I always had a way with words and people as a result of an expensive grooming education my parents made me go though from a young age. This was also the reason why I always, in contrast to my brother Matthew, had to attend these boring charities. My mother believed that my charms could make people donate more. At least that is what she said. She forgot to mention the part where my efforts make her look good.

"But of course my dear" Mrs Roberts exclaimed. "I forgot how passionate you are about your mother's events. You are such a good child" she said while softly squeezing my cheek with her thumb and pointing finger.

As she turned around to leave, my eyes caught the back of her necklace. The lock on her diamond necklace seemed to be slightly broken and it seemed as if it would come off at any moment. A plan formed in my head and I quickly called after Mrs Roberts.  

"Yes dear?" she said stopping and turning around.

"Mrs Roberts, I think you are right. I should go and mingle with kids from school. Would you please tell my mother I left?" I said with an innocent smile.

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