Chapter 4

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"Stupid men! Stupid short dress! Stupid gallery opening!", I muttered to myself as I stepped out of the limo. I tried once again to pull my dress further down my thighs with no success. I had to forget about the stupid red dress that Jake had chosen, because he said that no man could resist me in it, for now and focus on one man in particular: Sean. Jake had made sure that he had heard about the gallery and the expensive Goya paintings that were on display so that he would come and check it. And we knew he would come. The opportunity was too good to pass. These paintings were from private collections and the owners had agreed to put them on display for a limited time only and the gallery had offered them great insurance covers in the 'unlikely' case that they would get stolen. Hell, in that case the owners would probably hire thieves themselves to steal them and then claim the costs from the insurance companies. As I said, a too good opportunity to pass.

I handed my invitation card to the doormen and made my way inside. The gallery was an extremely large square room with white walls that had been divided into smaller rooms with different teams in each room. I was immediately greeted by a good looking waiter with amazing grey eyes and dark hair who handed me a glass of champagne.

"I hope this night will be to your satisfaction, madam", he said with a smile that showed off his straight Colgate-commercial white teeth.

The sentence as polite as it may have sounded was actually a rehearsed line and a code to let me know that he was one Rafe's men and would help me in my mission tonight. But just to be sure that it was indeed him we had to exchange a few more rehearsed lines. So I responded: "Oh, I'm not sure it will be. I'm not a big fan of Goya", with a bored voice looking around at the same time.

"In that case I recommend 'Death of the Picador'. I believe that it may be in your taste", he replied with the same grin as before.

That was it, the rehearsed lines. He was my guy. I nodded to confirm that I understood and turned to walk away. The gallery was full of people. Men and women too busy mingling rather than enjoying the arts. I walked around for a while, trying to be inconspicuous by looking at the paintings, having small talks with people I know, all the while trying to discreetly find Sean. After rejecting a cute guy that asked me out for dinner I decided that I had had enough of the Goya's 'dark period' room and stepped into another room that held paintings from his earlier years. And that is were I finally saw him.

Sean was standing with his back turned against me, looking at a painting. Although I had read his file with his personal details and seen numerous pictures of him, I couldn't help but to take in his features. A tall and broad shouldered man and clearly not a boy, with lean muscles that were currently covered by his blue shirt and black trousers. He was standing straight and tall as if very confident of himself. Just then he turned around to walk to another painting and I stopped breathing. He's gorgeous. I had been given pictures of Sean by Jake so that I could identify him but the pictures didn't do him justice. Messy light blonde hair and dark green eyes that made him look like a wolf, a predator. He moved smoothly and gracefully for somebody as tall and muscular as himself and I got a flashback from last week when I saw him escape from the museum.

When he stopped in front of another painting, I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Back to business.

I went to stand next to him. The plan was simple. Start a conversation with him, flirt and keep him interested, then grey eyed waiter would come with two glasses of champagne, Sean's would be drugged so that he could pass out. Grey eyes would then carry him out to the limo and we would say to onlookers that he had been drinking too much and needed to get home and then drive to the abandoned firehouse where Rafe's men were waiting to interrogate Sean and to clarify territory rules and find out who he's working for and then everyone would walk their seperate ways and live happily ever after.

I should have known that it wouldn't be that easy, especially the happily ever after part. This guy was about to make my life miserable.

Before I could open my mouth to say something, a deep voice belonging to the sexy blonde next to me said:

"So, how long have you been watching me?"

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