A.R.O.M Chapter 1 PT 3

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Chapter 1, PT 3

                I am excited, weary and anxious to see this delegation with the white flag.  Enemies that I am going to try to kill, I will see for the first time.  Wondering if any one of them is a mage, here to destroy everything I believe to be good.  What is a wizard, warlock and mage?  Finally, I get to meet the evil beings that would control the world.  We ride hard, past the last line of soldiers toward the middle of the field to meet the strangers.  The green mage flares above us still show the forces on either side of the field.  Lord Bragors horse slows to a gallop and then to a trot as we near the three strangers.

                “Lord Bragor, if you will take your army and leave now. None of your men have to die this night.”  The accent of the hooded figure in the middle of the three strangers is a smooth Gaelic from the southern lands. The three envoys of the heretic army were all dressed alike.  Robes, of crimson with gold trimming from the head dress to the shoulders ornamented the robes.  I noticed the riders were wearing tanned leather leggings, and gloves, the only skin that I could see were the tips of their noses.

                “Zanik?” Lord Bragor questioned.

                “Aye, Lord Bragor, the fight here is not with you or this puny army of yours.  I am here for something else.  And you will take your army away before I level them.” The same smooth voice said.

                “I say we destroy this army, do what we need to do, and be gone from this hellish place.”  The sweetest melodic voice I have ever heard came from the hooded figure on the right.

                Glancing at Lance and receiving the same glance from him confirmed my conclusion that the hooded figure on the right was a woman.  I was astounded and bewildered that a woman would be here at a dangerous place like this. Most women were healers like the clerics with our priests, women were almost never fighters.  Though she did not carry any weapons on her she had a couple pouches on her sash and a small dagger. 

                “Show your faces so that I will know who I am talking to!” Lord Bragor demanded. Otherwise you shall turn back now and be ready for battle.

                One by one the three strangers removed their hoods.  Paying attention to each as their faces were shown.  First was the one named Zanik, His hood slid off of a balled tattooed head, his eyes were dark brown.  His high cheekbones and narrow features showed the tradition of his Gaelic background.  The tattoos on his head were a tribal looking assortment, known for the witch doctors in their region.  The witch doctors were like priests from his heritage. The tattoos were a symbol that he had passed the tests of their shamanism.  The nature of his tattoos were a symbol that he was a very skilled and renowned shaman favored by their gods.

                The second hooded figure was the one with the most beautiful voice I had ever heard.  She had an auburn reddish tint to her hair. Her eyes were a beautiful brown and her skin was just a slight tan that showed she had been in the sun.  Everything about this woman was perfect in the oddest way.  In my mind there was no flaw or blemish.  There is no way I can explain her features except for the fact that she was perfect.  I had never seen the likes of her before, I could not tell where she hailed from or even if she was a goddess or not.

                The last one removed his hood the silver shoulder length hairs caught my attention quickly the sinister look in his eyes was indescribable.  He wanted to see blood. I can’t explain my gift I could just tell by looking at people what they were thinking or what they wanted.  And this one wanted blood and lots of it.  His grey blue eyes looked right through me as he smirked knowing something that I didn’t.  Again like the beautiful woman I could not tell where he was from either.  But I did know that no matter where he was from he was extremely dangerous and evil.  

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