A.R.O.M Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2.

                Waking up is one thing, waking up to pain is another.  The darkness covers everything around me except what my senses tell me.  And my senses tell me that I am in deep shit.  The pain in my chest is excruciating, I hear moaning and screaming from a distance, I smell rot and sewage all of it stale.  My fingers tell me that I am laying in either sludge or my own blood.  The darkness is the scariest part of this because I have no clue where I am, or what is around me and why I cannot move. I do not feel straps of any kind, and bonds on my arms, legs and neck are absent.  I am afraid to talk to let them know that I am awake if they, whoever they are, can see me.  What are the things that I remember?  I remember the field where the heretics used magic to blast away the foot soldiers; I remember the purple clouds and rain made from the heretics. What that purple rain did to my horse and those same soldiers. I remember crashing through bushes to get some cover from the purple rain, and I remember two sharp stings in my right arm that put me in this place.  The thing I remember the most is the cutting of my body and the pain I endured while I have been laying here. How many days have passed?  Do I want to know how many days have passed?  NO.  I just want to be able to get the hell out of this place, but how? How do I do that?

                As if on cue a door slides open to my right grinding the ground like the metal grate that it is.  I hear the shuffling of feet into the room, more than one set, circling around whatever it is that I am laying on.  Then the sounds of "hums" assail my ears from all around me.  The humming is continuous non-stop and gives off an echo in the room. 

                'This is quite terrifying.' I think as the humming continues.

                A voice smooth as silk cuts through the humming speaking another language, "Koth las los, sinc ka tro.  Avec.  Avec. " The humming stops and in unison the same is chanted all around me echoed off the walls in this place.  Then the humming begins again. The smooth voice again says something in a loud whisper that I cannot understand, "Vatos laa, Ish laa, mostash naa. Vin ta, Im maa. Sonto Laa. Quintos na.  Abanese, Abanese.  Avec. Avec." Again the humming stops to chant the vile words the smooth voice had just said, and the humming is renewed again. 

                I hear footsteps getting closer to me from the left and a presence of someone there.  "I will let you see.  Before you are sacrificed to the Blood god, Abenese."  Whispered into my ear, the breath of the whisperer finds my nose with a stench of rot.  I try to turn my head futilely and fail in trying to get away from the rotten stench.

                Something deep inside my gut starts to stir, an energy, lightly it rises into my chest expands out to my arms and legs; I can feel my muscles grow with sheer strength.  Words I have never known form into my brain and slips past my lips.  When the words are finished I see my captor in a bunch of different hues, like seeing a picture that has vibrant colors.  His smile fades as fear takes over his features.  The humming from around the room abruptly stops in gasps.  A voice I have never heard, a deep bass, starts a quick mumbling of words that excite me, penetrating my ears in a language I do not know.  Something inside wants me to repeat the unintelligible words out loud.  Something deep down in my soul tells me that I must repeat the mumbling, so I do and find myself looking at me and the rest of the room from over head. There I am a darkness, lying on an alter of some sort glowing a bright green. The man standing next to me is dressed similarly as the other eight men and women in the room.  An aura of a dark red is emanating from all of them and the room is a haze of a light red.  I on the other hand am the darkest shadow, a black void where the colors seemed to disappear; the light red haze is being sucked into my body.

A.R.O.M        (ABENISE RED OCTORO MEGA)Where stories live. Discover now