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Hi there, sorry it took me so long to update, I spent all last week staring at a wall. Vote! Fan! Comment! Or don’t!


The room spun.

Henry ripped off the covers, not bothering to replace his discarded shirt. Shoving past a terrified Mrs. Evans he shot through the corridor, darting around the corner and up the spiral staircase that lead to the King’s chambers. The castle that had been bustling with celebration was now silent. Even though his legs protested, he would not slow his pace as he ran from the fear that rose up in his throat. As he reached the top of the stairs he saw all the knights gathered around his father’s chamber door blocking his path. Sir Phillip stepped forward.

“Henry, your father…” he tried to push past but Phillip restrained him.

“Let me pass or so help me I will rip you limb from limb!” Henry roared attempting to shake him off. The knights encircled him and Sir Oric stepped forward.

“You must becalm yourself sir…”

“I’ll do whatever I bloody want to.” He snarled in reply and heaved Oric out of the way barrelling through the door before he could be hindered any longer. He was not prepared for what he encountered.


Amelia sat dumbfounded in her marital bed, absent-mindedly fiddling with her covers. She honestly had no idea what to proceed with next or what was going on. She had seen the King alive and well only an hour ago, how had everything gone wrong in such a short space of time?

All she wanted to do was run to her mother and beg her to take her away from this castle filled with lies and death. Since she had been her all she had experienced was fear and confusion. Amelia clutched the covers tighter and steeled herself. She was a married woman now and would not go running back to her mother like a child. Henry was her family now and she would have to go to him.

Tentatively she got out of bed and pulled a silk wrap over her under tunic, making her way over to the door. As she gazed out into the deserted corridor she was overcome by the sudden eerie silence that had descended on the castle. Amelia could hear what sounded like shouting coming from the level above and followed it up the spiral staircase wondering what would greet her.


King John lay motionless, dwarfed by his giant four-poster bed. His face was sunken and pale, barely reflecting the characteristics of the man he was. The ever so slight rise and fall of his chest was the only indication that he was still alive. The Queen sat in silence beside him, tears streaming down her face as she clutched her husband’s hand.

“What happened?” Henry demanded of the surgeon who stood looking gravely upon the scene playing out in front of him.

“An assassin snuck past the guards during the festivities and attacked the King as he was feasting…”

“Will he survive?” he interrupted taking a few purposeful steps towards his father.

“…No sire, the dagger has impaled his heart. I am unable to remove it or it will kill him instantly.” The Kings breath had become ragged and he was gasping for air, sending his wife into a fit of fresh sobs.

“How long?” Henry rasped closing the distance between them and gripping his father’s hand as though the action would ensure a few more minutes of his life.

“He may have another hour, yet he will be in incredible pain.” Henry turned to look at him and they shared a look of mutual understanding. Choking back the tears that threatened to destroy him completely, he leant forward and wrapped his fingers around the dagger embedded in his father’s chest.

Unlikely Endings (Now Being Rewritten as: The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now