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Thomas stared at the breathtaking woman sitting before him. Her hair had come loose during the frenzied trip from the balcony to the stronghold and was cascading down in luscious waves. He longed to run it through his fingers; he knew it would be akin to touching the finest silk.

He also knew that a hoard of men were coming this way and would finish the job for him if he failed. Thomas moved towards her silently unsheathing his sword. She was facing away from him as he emerged from the shadows and each calculated step he took in her direction was agony. The closer he got the more her beauty seemed to radiate within him. She shivered and he fought the urge to take this delicate creature in his arms and carry her away.

Had he really stooped so low as to consider killing this lovely girl? The hooded stranger would expose and destroy him if he did not. Thomas realised that this woman had already ruined him; he could not end her life.

The sound of foreign footsteps clattered around the courtyard and his breath hitched in his throat, his men were coming!

In an instant he had his hand over her mouth muffling her scream. The girl struggled furiously against him and Thomas would have been impressed had he not been simply trying to save her life. He dragged her backwards over the stone bench and back into the shadows within which he had been previously hidden. She had not ceased in her struggles even though he was at least two heads taller than her and held her firmly to him.

Thomas smiled; occasional violence was a trait he admired in a woman.

“My lady I am trying to save your life, do shut up.” He hissed as the sounds of men breaking through the wooden door were heard by both of them. Thomas hoped that they would not see the couple hidden in the dark behind a pillar and would simply move on to search elsewhere.

“Where is ‘e then? ‘E said he would be ‘ere with the girl!” one of them growled staring around. The entire group of idiots looked almost comically confused, wandering around looking for him.

“Maybe he’s gone to have a bit ‘o fun with her before he finishes her off” another one darkly chuckled. The girl whimpered beneath his hand.

“Heard she’s a real nice looking one too. If he’s not done her in yet I’d love a go!” another replied and the courtyard was filled with their laughter.

“Well…” the apparent leader of the group began after they’d finished “the way I sees it he has to come back here at some point and they think we’re still in the left wing so we’ll just sit right here!”

The mob muttered their assent and seemed to make themselves comfortable waiting for Thomas. He groaned in frustration, they would never make it out of here without being seen.

He suddenly pushed the girl forth into the light.

“Hullo!” he called cheerily retaining his hold on her. “I’ve gotten the girl so we can be off now!” The men regarded the girl with hungry eyes and he unconsciously tightened his grasp on her arm. Thomas would not let any of these greasy scoundrels lay a hand on her.

“Why isn’t she dead?” the leader of them asked narrowing his eyes suspiciously and resting a hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Well…” Thomas began desperately fishing for an excuse “…I just found her you see, I know I know I’m terribly bad at finding things. Now I’ll just finish her off here and you band of merry men meet me at the gate, no sense in us all being potentially beheaded”

The men exchanged odd looks before reluctantly agreeing.

“Alright then” the leader grumbled before breaking into a smile. “Don’t take too long with ‘er we’ve all heard about what you can do with the ladies…I wish I could have a turn on her if you know what I mean…” the girl gasped in indignation.

“You vile son of a bitch!” she shrieked and made a leap for the man but Thomas held her fast. Prone to fits of violence and unladylike swearing? He believed he might have just found the girl of his dreams.

Before he could fall down on his knees and profess his everlasting love he would have to deal with these now incensed group of men. The leader’s face had turned an attractive shade of puce and he ripped his sword from his scabbard. The other dozen men followed his lead and slowly began advancing on the pair.

Thomas had hoped that it would not come to this; he took no particular pleasure in killing.

“I don’t care what nobody says about who’s s’posed to kill who. The bitch is mine!” the leader snarled stepping even closer. Thomas transferred the girl to his left arm and drew his sword, holding her tightly to his side.

“I am afraid I can’t let you do that.” He replied and the girl gasped as he made quick work of the leader with just a flick of his wrist.

To call it a fight would have been false for the men were merely taking their turns to be executed. Without releasing his precious hold on the girl Thomas managed to parry every blow and reply with one of his own, sending his victims gurgling and spluttering to the ground.


“Unhand the lady!” an enraged voice rang out through the courtyard accompanied by the sound of many feet thundering in.

Amelia’s eyes widened as she saw Henry splattered with blood and dirt at the head of his army of knights. His eyes were cold and furious, yet their fury did not direct itself at her but at her captor and saviour.

The man had still not set her free, she attempted to wriggle around to get a look at his face but he held her fast. Amelia suddenly noticed that in addition to the army of foot soldiers and knights, archers hovered above her with all their bows trained on this mysterious man.

“You are outnumbered!” Henry called venturing forward. “My archers are expert marksmen and I will not hesitate in giving the order.”

“You would release arrows when I hold your wife in my other hand?” her captor spat incredulously. Amelia was suddenly scared and wondered if indeed Henry would give the order. After all, what was she to him?

Henry did not reply but continued to move towards them with a determined expression. He stopped merely metres away, his polished sword flashing in the light. The air was thick with tension that made it difficult to breathe. She tried to ignore the bodies scattered around her.

“Stop this!” Amelia suddenly shrieked wrenching herself away from the man’s grasp. As soon as she was free of him Henry swooped in and took her around the waist protectively as he nodded to archers above.

Amelia heard them pull back on their bows, waiting for Henry to give the final command. The man dropped his sword to the ground and raised his hands. She spun around to face her husband.

“Please my Lord no! This man saved my life!” she gasped clutching at his arms. Henry was suddenly struck with a sudden jealousy that rushed through his veins. How did Amelia know this man? Was he a lover sneaking around the castle to meet her secretly? The thought made him burn as though set aflame.

“And who is this man that you would so protect? My love” he spoke the words as though they were acid on his tongue. Impassively he made his way over the various bodies of men and stopped before the mysterious stranger his wife was so eager to save.

“Who are you?” he demanded but the man did not respond. “I am the crowned King of Elereld and I order you to state your name!” Henry’s grip tightened on his sword, he would rip this man limb from limb.

“Please Henry there’s no need for ferocities” the man laughed and lifted his face up to the light allowing for it to be recognised. “After all is that any way to treat family?”

“Cousin.” Henry’s eyes were dead and cold as he motioned for the guards to arrest Thomas, ignoring the pleas of his whore of a wife. 

Unlikely Endings (Now Being Rewritten as: The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now