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Violet had never really known the extent of how loud her voice could be. She'd never been in a situation where she had to use it for help, her mother didn't allow screaming in the house, and she'd never been to a concert or anything where she would scream of excitement. 

So when she screamed after registering the blond boy in the corner of the room, and then seeing that he was transparent - she surprised the both of them. Her shrill scream basically hit the boy, and she saw how he jumped off of the skeleton that he was sat on. And it hit her too, she felt her heart skip a beat at the sound as she scrambled to her feet, the cigarette falling from between her fingers and to the ground with hurried urgency.

"Who are you?" she rasped, her voice weak from the scream. Her eyes traveled up his see-through figure and she stepped back more. "What are you?"

The boy smiled softly as he used the stone wall for support to get himself back up. Stepping carefully over the skeleton, he held his hand out to her. "My name is Luke. Luke Hemmings of Rivertown." 

She denied his hand, trying to avoid the look of sadness on his face as she sidestepped his attempt to come closer, "Why can I see through you?"

Luke's smile faltered for a second before he recovered saying, "I passed in this well a long time ago. I am a ghost, which is why you can see through me. I'm sorry if i've frightened you. May I ask your name?"

Violet shook her head fast as she spoke, "You can't be a ghost. Ghost don't exist. You're making this up. It's an optical illusion."

"Maybe if you sit down and tell me your name-" 

"I must've hit my head really hard on that fall..." Violet wondered, thinking of the ways that this could be real.

"No ma'am. I'm sure that you are fine. I am a ghost, a spirit left behind. I would not lie to you." Luke attempted to console her.

Violet stared at Luke, an incredulous chuckle leaving her lips as she sat down, pulling her bag to her and grabbing the apple she had brought before. "You know what? Okay. You're a ghost, i'm insane, and i'm also going to sit in this well until someone comes and saves me." She pulled out her phone, nearly laughing at the sight of no bars. "Just leave me alone for the time being."

The boy nodded with a frown on his face before nodding, "Can I at least know your name?"

She sighed before saying, "Violet. Violet Langdon."

"Of what?" Luke quizzed.

"The Bronx."

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 Hours later in the abandoned ditch, it was dark, Violet was sleeping, and Luke was still sat on the other side of the room staring intently at Violet as she breathed in and out slowly. She looked peaceful, and Luke liked peaceful.

He hadn't seen much peace in the past century, the only times he'd come in contact with the world beside the well was when various pieces of trash had been thrown down there. He'd seen the world age through chip wrappers, soda cans, and the occasional key ring that was followed by a "shit".

Luke's staring was cut short as a soda can came whizzing down the ditch, hitting Violet straight on the head and waking her up. Her inital reaction was to glare at Luke, but when he shook his head and pointed up,  she jumped to her feet and began yelling for help.

"Help! Down here, I need help!"

A young male's voice came from above, "Woah, did you like, fall down there?"

"Yes! And I need you to help me get out,"

"Well, are you hot?"

Violet rolled her eyes, "I'm the hottest girl you ever did see in your entire life."

"Well alright then. Hold on."

Twenty minutes later, Violet was being hauled up with a rope out of the hole. She instantly whipped her phone out and called her mom, explaining the situation and forgetting all about the boy in the well.


hi :)

i'm v v sorry about this coming out a month later and only being one page long but right after i posted the first chapter, i begun my decent into back to school hell and now i'm going back tomorrow [!!!] 

depending on how long it takes for the honor roll switch to happen (the part of the school year where they put kids that are doing really well in normal courses into advanced courses) i may or may not have a bit of time to get working on this fanfic before i die of exaustion by homework :) :) :) :)

have a wonderful day and stay you :)


shameless self promo:

twitter: @mukeftnarryxx

tumblr: www.espn-mini.tumblr.com 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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