Chapter 3 Love Catches a Train?

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            Adrien gets up the next day.  He decides there is no chance for him.  He might as well do what has too and soon before he changes his mind.  He gets dressed, packs some things into a suitcase, grabs his wallet up and heads out the door.  He goes to the train station.  

        "One way ticket to London please!"  Adrien says.

     "Sir, that will be $400.00"  the ticket man says.

     "Here, you can keep the change."  Adrien says as he hands the man $410.00

      "Very well, sir!"  the ticket master, hands him the train ticket.

      Adrien is in depression.  He feels like life as he knows it barely holds any value anymore.  How can it when the woman he loves wants nothing to do with him?   He sits to wait on the train to arrive at the station.  He continues to wait for over an hour.  The train is late as usual this time of year.

      Marinette  struggles herself as to what course of action to take next. She has no idea that Adrien went to the train station.  It is not as if he sent her a text, or anything.  She really does not think to look for him either.  She goes to work.  When she finishes she goes home for the day.  Her boss sent her home early since she appears to be side tracked again.  

      Master Fu, Tikki and Plagg all worry about their friends.  The three of them can not help them.  There really is not a thing they can do to repair the damage done over the years when it comes to the broken trust between Marinette and Adrien.  There is none that can heal the love lost.  There is none that stop these young people from the mistakes they may make along the way to find the answers they seek. 

      Marinette's  POV:  I suppose I have done all I can do. There is nothing more I can do now, or is there?  I continue to struggle with my inner thoughts more everyday.

     Adrien's POV:  I really wish the train would get here soon!  I mean, how long do I have to get a ride out of here?  A ride that will take me away from all the memories both the good and the bad.  A ride that will take me to an adventure of its own.  A ride that will push me forward in the right direction.  A ride that will let me start all over without any trouble from silly, stubborn women who make your heart race, your stomach feel full of butterflies, and your eyes tear up when you see them.  Yes, indeed the train needs to get here soon!  Very soon indeed!

       Adrien looks up when he sees it.  The train is here.  It pulls into the station and comes to a complete stop.  The conductor takes a look around him.  "All aboard for London!  Passengers must show their ticket and have their stuff ready to take with them. All aboard for London !  Come on now, people!  We do not have all day!"   The conductor calls out.

     Adrien stands up with his suitcase in one hand, and  his ticket in the other hand.  He climbs the steps to board the train. He sits down near a window seat. He stores his suitcase under the bench he sits on.  He begins to relax as he hears the train whistle blow!  As the train pulls away from the station, Adrien frowns.  He thinks,   Paris!  Good bye home!  Goodbye, Marinette!  Goodbye,everything!

      The train rumbles down the track, around the bend at a slow pace.  It stops at some in pass.  A few more passengers climb aboard it.  Off it goes once again into the vast blue yonder!  The people appear to be happy. Some of them are anyway!  A lady crochets as her husband takes a nap.  A man reads his newspaper, a child sneezes, a baby sleeps, and a grandma reads her grandson a book.  A teenager sighs, a uncle yawns, a stranger minds everyone's business, the conductor focuses on the destination, and Adrien just sits there quietly.  He takes in his surroundings as quiet as a mouse.  Maybe even quieter as he has a lot on his mind lately.

      Marinette still has no idea where Adrien went off too.  She does even search for him.  She believes it to be a waste of time. She thinks, if he cares about her he should be the one to come after her.  Who ever heard of the lady who chases after the man, anyway?  Why the ones who do those sorts of things are not proper.  Those types of women are after money , or so that is what everyone says is what they are after anyway.

       The train comes to another stop.  Adrien looks out the window.  He can see the snow as it falls all around him. The snow falls in lovely, patches around them all. The sight really is a nice one to see!  It may be romantic to some, but to him it is just a cruel reminder as to why he is still single.  

    Adrien debates on rather to stay on until they get to London, or to get off now?  He considers the idea of  jumping off onto the tracks the next time the train pulls away from the platform.  All sorts of crazy ideas run through his head.  No one else around him is aware of what is in his mind,nor do they question him about it.  Had they done so they would find him to be one man who struggles with depression big time!  Such a thing can not be healthy would be the first thing they would say if they only knew how he really feels.  He is glad no one knows how he struggles to sleep at night.  How he comes home alone every day.  How he goes to work with no one to support, but himself.  How he tries to socialize, but feels like he fails.  How he has found love and thrown it all away!  How he has given up on happiness.  How he is given up on the idea of marriage, or a family.

     The train starts up again.  The passengers all remain as they are at the moment.  All that is expect for Adrien Agreste.  Oh, no !  He does not stay still anymore.  He stands up. He paces the floor aboard the train.  He looks outside, when the back of the lady who spoke to him briefly earlier turns to him, he walks to the door.  He opens it slowly, he hesitates!  He always does this when he tries to decide what is really best for him.  Why can he not make up his mind for once?  Ugh, what must he do to get rid of the pain?  The agony, the past regrets, the depression,and the horrible thing one calls life?  He  decides he knows what he must do. He puts a blind fold over his eyes, so he can see where he is right now.  He steps out onto the edge area of the vehicle.

     Once there he is at a point of no return.  It is now or never!  Adrien  jumps.  He lands hard into the cold, drafty, snowy embankment.  Funny thing is no one even misses him.  No one knows he is gone.  By the time anyone realizes he is gone it will be too late. By then the hypothermia will  settle in, by then he will have frozen to death. His body will be one icy tomb.  He will no longer be among the living.  He removes the blind fold. He begins to relax.  His ankle is broken, but he does not care.  He wishes for all to come to an end once and for all.  He closes his eyes as the snow builds up around him.  He drifts off asleep with the believe that it all soon be over. He will so no longer suffer any further.  

        Is he right?  Will he better off dead?  Will he actually die as he thinks, or will someone rescue him before it is too late?

        to be continued in Chapter  4    Love  Forgets?




Love Apart AU *Sequel to Nino's  Theory* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now