Bath Time and a Surprise

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As we got outside, he led me over to a hay net. He grabbed a stool and was about to get on, when I lowered my head. He started removing the waterfall braid in my mane.

 He started removing the waterfall braid in my mane

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(Hair style)

It took about 15-20 minutes to unbraid that one. He patted my neck and unbraided my forelock.

When he was finished, he moved on to my tail

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When he was finished, he moved on to my tail.

He gently unbraided it and brushed it out

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He gently unbraided it and brushed it out. After that, he grabbed the water hose and put it on shower. He wet my tail, then my forelock, protecting my eyes with his hand. He then wet the rest of my body.

"Hey Sarah, can you come here?" Will asked loudly, making me jump.

"How may I help?" The blonde girl from this morning asked.

"Start washing her body, please." He told Sarah.

She Grabbed a sponge and started screaming at my dirty, grimy, bloody coat. Will rinsed out my tail and put conditioner in it. He then washed my mane the same way. He then wash my face carefully. He sponged water on to my face after washing it. He then rinsed out my main and tail. Sarah came out with a towel, a hairbrush and something in a green bottle. She gave the bottle and brush the well who was drying my main and tail. He sprayed the substance into my mane and forelock, then brushed them out again. He did the same to my tail. When they were done, Will untied the slipknot and walked me to a van. He distracted me as the Ferrier came and put new shoes on me. Will praised me and walk me up to another horse.

"Hi, I'm Jimber." The stallion said to me.

I stayed quiet and looked around. I saw a flat track on the other side of the arena I was in that was sectioned off.

 I saw a flat track on the other side of the arena I was in that was sectioned off

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Will came back and I clipped the rope. I walked away before he turned back around. I saw a gate and walked to it and surprise, surprise, it led to the flat track. I neighed in excitement as I walked onto the track.

I started going into a trot. I stayed like that for a while, then went faster. I was going into a canter, when I heard hooves behind me. I looked back a little to see Will and Jimber gaining on me.

"Heck yeah, time for a challenge." I thought out loud. I picked up pace to a gallop. I neighed happily when Jimber came up beside me.

"Slow down, would you." Jimber said.

I shook my head 'no' and went faster. He gained a little pace. I just went faster.

(Extra points for those who have seen this movie😁😃)

I had just passed Jimber twice and decided that was enough for the day. I started slowing down, lap by lap. I continued walking towards Jimber.

I shook my mane out, Will laughed at me and Jimber gave me a look like I was crazy. "What," I said to Jimber.

Before he could answer, I heard clapping. I ran and hid behind Jimber.
"Will!" A boy yelled.

" Bailey, Alma, Chloe, Zoe, Molly." He said while getting off Jimber. "Not what I had planned for today Alfie, but that is okay. At least now I know you're the fastest horse in Horseland." He said attaching the lead rope while rubbing my chin gently.

"Come on Alfie." He said getting back on Jimber and making him walk.

I walked after him. After we exited the arena from the other entrance I did not see, Will tethered me and brushed my mane and tail out again.

The other people walked over and Sarah gave me water. I drank half and gave the other half to Jimber.

I started to get bored, so I stole Will's hat and put it on Jimber. Will looked confused at first, when everyone started laughing, but soon realized I stole his hat. "Hey! Jimber, why do you have my hat?" He asked chuckling.

Then an African American girl came over. "Will, can I help?" She asked.

"Sure Molly." He replied.

She grabbed a brush and helped Will with my ombré hairs. Will loosely braided my mane to keep it from getting too tangled and did the same with my forelock. He left my tail alone.

(Simple Like this plus the forelock and longer)

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(Simple Like this plus the forelock and longer)

"Jimber!"  I neighed when he nudged my side.

Will grabbed mine and Jimber's leads and led us to the paddock. When I walked in, the other horses started to gather around me. I backed up and hit the gate with my rear. I narrowly escaped and made my way over to the chicks. They squeaked/chirped cutely at me. I kneeled down and the smallest one I befriended yesterday, came up to me and 'hugged' me.

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