A Champion?

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👆🏻 This is Alfie! Okay now on to the chapter.....


I snorted and sniffed Will's hand, "Don't worry about her." He said tethering me to the fence.

"Let's try simple tack today. A bridle and a blanket." He said walking towards me.

He let me smell the bridle and blanket. He took off my halter and gently put the bridles straps around my face and buckled them. I lifted my head after
he put it on. I shook my head, trying to get it off. "Alfie! It's okay! Calm down, it won't hurt you,"Will said as he pulled my head down gently. (It is bit less).

He rubbed my cheek and whispered soothingly in my ear. I slowly calmed down and lowered my head into his chest, giving him a puff of air to his face on the way. "Okay, we will put the blanket on and see if you are willing to go farther," He said, slowly picking up the blanket and setting it on my back.

I looked at him as he walked away. He had not tethered me to the fence yet, so I decided to follow him. He went into the tack room, picked up a black saddle and lifted it slightly. As if asking me if I wanted to try. I nodded my head and backed up out of the door. I then turned to the side. He gently set it on my back, it weighed like nothing. He buckled the girth. " Very good Alfie! Want to try with someone in the saddle?" He asked me while putting on a helmet.

I nodded and he got onto my back, very slowly. As to not spook me with a new weight on my back. He led me out into the arena. "Okay, do you want to jump or run?" He asked me.

I walked towards the track and jumped the fence. Will held on tightly as I leaped over the fence. "Easy, Alfie" He said as he rubbed my neck gently.

"We will walk, then trot, and maybe canter to warm you up a little bit," He said to me as the others came over to watch us with their horses.

They all pulled out their stopwatches as Will urged me to walk around the track. He then stopped me by the fence. " We will warm up for maybe five more minutes, then we will do three laps around the track from a complete stop. Bailey, will you tell us when to start?" Will asked bailey as he turned me away from the fence and started me at a trot.

He turned me around at the bend and we headed back to the group.

(kind of like this but a lot faster!)

Will pulled me to a stop at the starting line.

Hello my peeps!
Sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger again after not updating since what? Like last year or something? I have been a little busy with something new that has been added to my life recently! Her name is Ophelia! She is a hoarder of toys, blankets, shoes, you name it. It can all be found in her pile on the kitchen floor. Be careful though, she will steal your socks off of you feet!

 Be careful though, she will steal your socks off of you feet!

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Also she is technically for my blind dog, Josie. She has had a worse year than me, she lost all three of her 'sisters' within a span of 6 months. She needed a friend so we got Ophie(Ophelia) for her to play with.

I leave you with a picture of the two of them.

( so the pictures are not downloading onto this page so I will put it on the next one!)

Thank you my peeps for bearing with me and stay safe. Do as my mom says and wash yo hands!👏🏻😂👏🏻

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