II. Run, Akechi Masayoshi!

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His name is Akechi Masayoshi; he's 16 years old as well and lives in the city named Yamataka, just like Ren. Oh, his appearance, right? Brown and armpit length hair, and he's wearing the school's default outfit now, remember, the white T-shirt and black jeans.

He also goes to the same school as Ren, Yamataka Primary Academy, I mean, he was studying in a private school before and it's the first year at that public school.

He also had contact with the Other World before, and we will see what happened to him.

Now leaving his house, he's going to the same metro station that Ren was going, and at the same day, but in different places... Now, the same thing that happened with Ren happened with him now. The Territory in the Other World appeared.

Automatically, Akechi would notice it.

"...?" He looked around, everyone, everything stopped but him. Of course this was strange for him.

Instead of a baby monster, now appeared a purple monster... It's size is that of a normal human, around 5'10"

And Akechi saw him. In silence, he walked slowly... He's trying to get out of there without being noticed.

Almost leaving the Territory in the Other World, the creature stopped him, holding his arm. Akechi then looks back and... The demon is there, looking at him and tilting its head.

"W-What?!" Akechi tries to break free, but of course, that thing is stronger and won't let him go.

So he tries to kick the demon, why not? And that actually works; the creature fell on its back.

Akechi decided to ran away, almost leaving the Territory in the Other World, the monster appeared in front of him and automatically Akechi changed his direction, going to the right.

The same thing happened, the demon stopped him and this is repeated more and more, like the demon is playing with him.

Running, he decided to enter in a building, maybe this should work. The monster followed him, entering in the building as well. Without thinking twice, the creature entered in all rooms, destroying doors, walls, everything... He wanted Akechi more than anything, because well, Akechi is a Special Energy.

"..." Hidden in a corner, he saw this thing passing in front of him several and several times.

He easily learned how to hide his presence without any training before.

So then, Akechi is caught by it by surprise. He thought that it was in front of him, indeed it was! But the same demon caught him... It was an illusion.

"Huh?!" Akechi is scared.

"Let's see... A Treasure inside of you, Special Energy... I'm going to see what it is, what kind of Treasure is there...? It seems to be valuable!" It said as the thing sticks its hand inside of Akechi, but as if it had not pierced, but crossed Akechi's skin. The demon's hand is going towards where his heart would be, and instead of a 'heart' there is a shiny ball, with a grey color, this is his Treasure, it is what keeps him 'existing' "Hm... I'm coming theeere..."

But the demon pulls out his hand before touching on the Treasure, suddenly.
Akechi fell on his back, confused, but getting up... Anyway there's no way to escape.

"Hey friend, are you okay?" And a man with strange robes appeared, looking at Akechi... The boy just nodded. "It's good to know that." He said.

Then he lifted a staff that was on his hands and, pointed to the monster. "You are going to die here." He said with a really serious voice now. What a strange thing, what is going on here, a monster, a strange man... And that entire place in red with the time stopped.

"Shit... I didn't imagined that someone like YOU, Magician, would appear... Just to save a normal Special Energy." Without thinking twice, the demon attacked the man who dodges the attack and threw the demon against one of the walls without moving his hands, just moving the staff.

("What...") Akechi thought.

"Don't worry boy, me and this purple thing will have a talk outside, now leave this place quickly." And after saying this, Akechi shaked his head. "What? Do not tell me you do not understand what is happening here." Now Akechi nodded.

The man now threw it out of the building just when the same tried an attack again, this will give him time.

"Look, it is more confuse than you think. Treasure is what is inside of you. You are a Special Energy, Special Energy is almost the same thing as a Phantom Energy, Phantom Energy is a substitute to dead people, and do you understand it? You are Special because you have a Treasure inside of you... Just like me. See, if we meet again we can talk more, now I have to destroy that thing."

What a half-assed explanation. Akechi got it now, but this still confused him a bit because he did not know everything, about the Territory in the Other World, the Heroic Warriors and some other things... Then he ran away, leaving the building and heading towards the metro, quickly, because soon he would lose his train to school.

Getting there, he stumbled on an old lady, she fell on her back but he reached out one of his hands to help her but... She said something...

"You... Boy...
You seem to be just a... Normal student but....
I see in your eyes... Your future...
You will fight someone... A big enemy and if you win... You will be saving the two worlds..."

She said as she gets up without his help and left... Going away...

He just looked at her and began to walk again to the school... What the...? As he entered on his classroom, it was time to introduce himself to his classmates.

"I am—"

During his introduction, someone opened the door and seemed to be panting and... Tired.

"Ahh... Shit... Sorry teacher, I am a little late, right?" It's a boy with black and curly hair.

"Kurusu Ren, please, get in now! We have a new student here." And his teacher said. Ren went to sit where was free for him. He took a seat. "Now you can continue."

He nodded and wrote his name on the board. "Masayoshi Akechi. It is pleasure to meet you all." He bows slightly and took a seat near to Ren, behind him... Well was the only available seat for him...

But a thing he doesn't know... That actually the demon from before... Survived...

And it will come back...

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