2. "Special" Friends -Part 1 (ep21)

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This is the first part in a trilogy of one-shots.
Sinan had spent the day at the agency, and Can couldn't stand the comfortable camaraderie between him and Sanem.
Sinan asked Sanem out for a quick lunch so they could catch up on each other's lives since Elementary school, but Sanem knew it would make Can jealous, so she told him to meet her at the little eatery by the rocks later in the evening.
Can was extra frustrated with his jumbled feelings where Sanem was concerned. He knew his jealousy was misplaced. He really didn't have the the right to tell her what to do, and that was entirely his fault. He had defined the boundaries of their relationship, and had to cope with the consequences. He needed a good run, that had always helped clear his head in the past. Maybe a run along the rocks with the open sea breeze would do him good.
Can set out on a steady pace, earbuds in his ears, listening to the song he had played for Sanem in the car. He turned the corner on the trail, the one that ran adjacent to the little eatery near Sanem's neighborhood, and he almost tripped and fell at the sight before him.

Sinan And Sanem sitting at one of the tables laughing and joking and obviously having a good time. Can started to walk towards them and stopped. "What are you doing?", he asked himself "she doesn't owe you anything. Run another round before you do something foolish"

Can did another quick loop. "I really should head home. Don't do it, Can, don't run by the tables again." But his feet took him there of their own volition, just in time to see Sinan and Sanem hugging each other good bye. Sanem was heading off towards her home by herself, and before he knew what he was doing, he was running after her.
"Sanem! Sanem!"
She stopped and turned around, a startled look on her face.
Can caught up to her, his voice raised and annoyed "What the hell do you think you are doing? I thought we decided that you were too busy to go out with Sinan?"
"WE??", Sanem practically wheezed. "We decided? You decided! For me! And who are you to even decide? I can meet whoever I want. He's a friend just like you. Maybe even a special friend. Maybe the kind of special friend I can kiss when I feel like", she said, stomping her foot.
"Uh oh, Sanem. Control yourself. These tantrums never end well", her inner voice said.
"No! I'm tired of listening to you", Sanem shouted, looking to the side, at her imaginary voice. "And you!", she said, looking at Can. "I can talk to whoever I want, I can eat with whoever I want, I can kiss whoever I want!"
And she angrily leaned forward and kissed him smack on the lips. His mouth opened in shocked and their tongues touched, and Sanem drew back in shock. The surprise on her face mirrored his.
She reached up and wiped his lips frantically as if to undo what she had done, and Can felt a rush of heat head straight down. Sanem jumped back. What was she doing?? Run, Sanem, run...
Sanem turned and ran "I'm so sorry Can Bey, I don't know what came over me", she said picking up speed.
"Sanem, stop, wait!!" Can started to follow her, but Sanem had found Osman and Ayhan down the street and the three of them were walking away very resolutely. Osman did turn back and give Can a warning glance.
"Fine", Can said out loud. "But we are so far from done talking, Sanem. And kissing. Definitely not done kissing". He smiled to himself as he walked away.

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