11. Turning Point -Part 3

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Part 3 of this four-part series....

Sanem's new firm and Fikr-I Harika are merging and Can is heading back to Istanbul to close to deal.


Can arrived in Instanbul in the morning and headed to the Cornucopia office in the city. It was the Turkish magazine that was a cross between National Geographic and Interior Design, and the guy who ran it was an old friend. They had hung out on a couple of photographic expeditions together before he decided to take something permanent in Turkey. He had been trying to get Can to join the magazine as a Editor/Lead Photographer in a permanent role ever since. But the old footloose, freelancing Can never even considered it. The Can who walked into the office that morning was a different man. He was ready to put roots down -in the city that gave him his one true love. Can had no idea if Sanem was still available, or still upset, or even still interested. But he was on a mission to win her back.

Sanem was a mess of emotions. She knew Can was coming back to the city today. She wasn't even sure she wanted to see him. Her feelings for him were as strong as ever but she had no hopes for anything more than a courteous meeting at best, and her heart couldn't take that. He had left with Polen, after all. They really were more suited for each other anyway. 

Can left the Cornucopia office with an offer letter in hand. He headed to the Fikr office and parked on the street, trying to gather up the courage to face Sanem. It was mid-afternoon and he saw some of the staff heading out to get lunch. Just as he was preparing to get out of the truck, he saw Sanem exiting the building. Yigit was with her, and they were deep in conversation. They looked very comfortable together and he sensed an easy camaraderie between them. Sanem laughed out loud at something Yigit said, and Can felt a physical jolt at the sight. God, he had missed her infectious laughter. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her hair had grown and was almost at her waist, sleek and straight, and it added to that sophisticated air she had about her. Deren joined them a moment later and the three of them headed out. 

Can began to doubt himself. Maybe she didn't really need him anymore. She looked liked she had moved on. He never asked Emre if she was with anyone and now he was afraid to know the answer. Maybe I'll just go in while she's out, and sign the papers, he thought. 

He hurried out of the truck and headed up to Emre's office. Emre and Leyla were there, bent over some files, sharing take-out lunch and laughing about something. Can watched them for a second from outside the office and felt a pang of something. Not quite jealousy, but maybe a hint of envy. He had to give Emre credit though, he had stayed and fought for his love - for Leyla and the company. 

He knocked and entered the office and after many hugs and back-slaps, he signed the papers and said he would meet Emre later at the house. 

"Sanem just went out to lunch. If you wait a little while, she'll be back", Leyla offered, hesitantly.

"I know, I saw her go to lunch with Yigit and Deren. Its fine, I think they are busy. I can see the rest of them later. I'm not going anywhere in a hurry", he said with a smile. He filled them in on his Cornicopia job offer. 

Emre hugged him again. He was happy for his brother. The advertising world was never his cup of tea. He knew this new job would give him the satisfaction he was looking for. "Abi, are you sure you don't want to wait for Sanem?", Emre asked. 

"She looks like she's busy. I'll just head out. Maybe I'll catch her later", Can said, rushing out to avoid any follow-up questions.

Emre looked at Leyla after Can left. "Yeah, he still has it bad", Emre said with a happy smile. Leyla laughed gleefully and did a little fist-pump. "Yes! And we know she still has it bad. So how do we fix it?"

When Sanem got back from lunch she heard from Leyla that Can had come in and signed the papers and left. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. He really was over her. He didn't even want to meet her. She turned away from Leyla so that her sister wouldn't see the tears in her eyes. 

"Sanem, Emre was going to try cooking a meal again today. You know how terrible he his. Please don't make me eat his food alone. Come and keep me company. It will be fun and, a good break for you. You've been so busy lately" , Leyla said.

"In Emre's house? Won't Can be there? ", Sanem asked

"No, he's staying at the cabin. It will just be Emre, you and me. Come on Sanem, keep me company. Suffer through Emre's cooking with me, and then we can watch a movie or something", she said. "I don't want you to be alone tonight. I can see you are a little upset".

"Taman, Abla,  I'll come for dinner.  You're right, I don't want to be alone today."

"Yay, I'm glad". Layla give her a tight hug. "Just come around 7. I said I would go earlier and help him."

Emre and Can were catching up at home over drinks. Emre loved hearing Can's stories of the road. "Abi, I've missed your cooking. Can you cook your special pasta today? I'm really craving it."

"Putting your big brother to work as soon as he comes back, eh Emre?", Can smiled, rubbing his brother's head playfully. "Tamam, lets do this"

It was around 7 in the evening and Can's elaborate dinner was ready, and Emre said he would go the store and get a few extra drinks to celebrate.

Sanem arrived at the Divit house at 7. The door was unlocked so she let herself in. The smell of pasta filled the air, and the nostalgia hit her hard. Emre must have used Can's recipe. 

She entered the kitchen, calling out for her sister, "Abla?"

Can thought he heard the door opening and headed towards it, "Emre, are you back?" 

They stood facing each other in the corridor, the look of shock mirrored on both faces. 

 "Can", Sanem gasped.

"Sanem!", Can said at the same time.

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