Chapter 5: Beginnings

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I'm relieved to leave the weekend behind me and focus on something else. Smurf called me, hungover, on the Sunday and apologised for being too drunk. I noticed he did not apologise for what he said but I choose to ignore it. Maybe he does not remember. Also the feeling remains that it is partly my fault, so I should not be too hard on him. Anyway, we spend the afternoon in his bed, watching film and having some make-up sex although not of the passionate kind. I should be happy we are on good terms again, but I just feel empty.

When I arrive to Royal Crescent no. 10, Monday morning, I briefly consider if I ought to find the kitchen entrance or if I will be allowed to enter through the main door as an employee of the household. I decide for the main door. After all it is 2018, not 1918 and people should not need different entrances. Just as I knock on the impressive door, I realise that I will likely meet the housekeeper again and before I have thought of a plan how to get out of that, she stands in front of me. She immediately recognises me and looks like she has eaten a lemon.

"If you have come to take back that horrible pie, you are too late. We have already thrown it in the garbage."

"I'm sorry. I did not bake it, only deliver it and I can try to make it up to you at some point, but that's not why I'm here."

"Then why on earth are you here?"

"I will start working for Mr. James today."

"Mr. James or young master James?"

She is funny, 'young master James'. I wonder if they have a master Skywalker, or even master Yoda too. That could make things really interesting. I refrain from asking though, as I suspect I'm already not a favourite of the housekeeper's and she is highly unlikely to get the Starwars reference.

"Young master James." I reply with my best poker face on.

She lets me in but tells me to wait in the entrance.

"I need to confirm this" she says.

I wonder if they usually have a lot of intruders saying they are here for work, as she feels that is needed. She soon returns and gives me a nod to come with her.

"I don't know how you pulled this off, going from delivering pie to work here" she mutters and again has the lemon-look.

"My name is Molly Dawes."

I know that hardly explains things, but I'm trying to be friendly. She barely gives me a glance and answers;

"I'm Mrs. Hutchins. I have been working here for 22 years. I don't expect that you will be around that long."

"Neither do I, so at least we agree on something."

Probably shouldn't have said that, because I think it may be an insult to her that I don't plan to stay here that long even if she does not want me here. She just snorts and walk on, bringing me to the small office where I first met blonde interview woman and now she is there again. Her name is Amelia Saunders and I learn that she helps attending to the elderly Mr. James business when needed but is not a permanent feature of the house like Mrs. Hutchins. Today her task is to welcome me and let me know what I'm expected to do in this house.

"Welcome, Ms. Dawes. Good to see you again. You have already meet Mr. James and you will again, and then I will introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. James today. They are leaving for a longer period of travel tomorrow, not to return until Christmas and they want to meet you before they depart."

That explains why they were so desperate to hire someone quickly. The old folks want to go travelling but not leave the son alone. Come to think of it, isn't it a bit odd that he is living in his parents' house? I mean, I live in my parents' house, but I'm only 23 and I don't have any money. He is around thirty and money does not seem to be an issue, plus I get the feeling that this wheelchair thing is quite recent. I thought only weird people stayed with their parents that age, but then again, he has done nothing to prove he isn't weird, has he. Well, I will probably learn more today. Ms. Saunders continues.

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