Chapter 21: Charles, part II

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My feelings were confirmed every day I met her after that and strengthened when I saw her in the company of 2 section. She handled them so well and they all loved her. We ended up on mined ground though, when we talked about Rab and Maisie possibly having a relationship. When she asked me if I would not reconsider my principles if I fell in love with someone I worked with. I had to restrain myself then, to not just throw all reservations over board and tell her what I felt, convince myself that the only right thing in such a situation is to wait out. So, I told her just that, firm, controlled, uncompromising without showing any emotion and she looked at me with disappointment for being such an unromantic man of principles. If she only had known what I felt under the surface.

Then I got to meet Smurf that day in the park. God, how I disliked him. I could not understand how Molly could be with him because she was far too good for him in every visible aspect, both looks and personality. He was just to unlikeable. I could not help telling him I'm a captain, I had a feeling it would disturb him, and I wanted that. If I only had known the price Molly would pay. Even if all the blame was his, I hated myself afterwards for adding to his anger, his jealousy. When I saw her face next morning, I was ready to kill him for real even though I have always been able to keep my impulses under control. But it was more important to be there for her, to get her through this and I was glad that she let me even if she tried to resist it at first. That day held so many shocks for me. When I saw the additional bruises around her neck and realised he nearly killed her, when I understood at the police station that it was mere luck that she escaped a complete rape. I felt such frustration and anger and it was only the fact that she needed care and closeness that prevented me from exploding in fury.

But I kept thinking of that little shit and what he had done to her and a few days later I had to go see him. When he faced me, I saw the fear in his eyes. The fear of a true coward who would only ever dare to attack someone less strong than him. I went there to talk to him, threaten him, but my emotions took over and I hit him. Punched him so hard in the face that he did not get up while I remained there.

"If you ever hurt her again, no if you even come close to her, I will make sure that you die. You will never feel safe again, not anywhere. I know a number of special forces soldiers who would be willing to do me a favour and they can get in anywhere and kill an enemy – and you are my enemy, make no mistake about that."

No need to mention that no SF soldiers I know would kill a guy like him and he seemed to believe it.

"You will pack your bags. You will transfer to another university and you will leave Bath immediately. I don't care how you arrange everything but if you don't leave town by tomorrow, I'll send someone after you. Is that understood?"

He was just wining after the punch.


"Yes" he managed to whisper, and I left him like that. I was incredibly pleased to hear via Matt and Molly that he had actually left town. He was a coward indeed.

The next weeks in her company were lovely but increasingly confusing. Now that there was no boyfriend between us and with all the events that have been pulling us closer, I felt myself falling deeper and deeper in love her. Sometimes I was so close to just draw her to me and kiss her, my body was aching to do it. I kept repeating my mantra that I must wait out until she no longer worked for me. Then we had this great evening with her friends, and I could even more clearly picture what it would be like to be her boyfriend, be part of her world outside the little universe where she and I exist, which made me long for it even more. Maybe that was why I could not resist asking her if she wanted to come to the regimental Christmas party, although I had considered it before and come to conclusion I had better not, that it was inappropriate. When she accepted, I was both overjoyed and a bit worried what it might lead to. A party, alcohol, no boyfriend, you never know.

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