Chapter 22: Everything must come to an end

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I have let my family, via text message to Bella, know I'm staying at Charles place, with Charles. They have not disturbed by calling but I have received several text messages in return:

Bella: About f-ing time! I knew the red dress would do the trick.

Mum: Don't get it, are you working nights now? Miss you. X

Nan: Heard the great news. Don't worry about your mum, I'll explain. Stay as long as you need (long I hope). Say hi to your lovely young man from me

Bella: Come home soon, want to hear EVERYTHING!

Mum: Nan told me, so happy for you! XXX

Bella: Are you coming to the New Year's party tomorrow? Everyone will be there and I would miss you. Pleeeeeease! You can bring lover boy.


We wake up to the last day of the year. Even if New Year logically is no different than other days, the concluding day of the year always feels a bit special. Sometimes good, sometimes bad depending on how the past year has played out. Sometimes I have felt disappointment and a sense of loss over the 365 days that have gone by, if I feel I have not done as much with them as I could have. Should have. It has been like that for a few years now. But today, when I wake up next to Charles and think of what has happened this year, and especially the last days, I feel that a year could not be more complete.

We have not made plans for the evening, not together. I had plans before, but I want to be with him tonight of all nights. It is not that we have avoided planning, we have just been too busy with the present.

I hear my mobile make a sound, alerting me to another text message from Bella. She seems to be getting desperate because I have not answered her latest ones.

Bella: Coming tonight or what? Bring your Captain! Want to meet him ASAP! And you too. XXX

Bella and I were to go to a big party tonight which a common friend, Alex, throws. He is a party planner by profession, famous for his great parties, so it will be good for sure. Katie and Sammy are also invited, like many other of our common friends. During the depressing Christmas I did not feel up for it at all, but now things are different. In case he would like to come with me.

"Are you staring at me while I'm sleeping again?" he says with eyelids still closed and then open them to look right into mine.

I'm obviously caught in the act and blush.

"Again? I have never watched you when you're sleeping. Why would I? I have better things to do."

"Yeah? Like what?"

I cannot think of a good answer, so I just kiss him, and I feel his lips smiling as they touch mine.

"I was thinking about something..."

"That sounds dangerous."

"Maybe. How would you feel about coming with me to a New Year's party tonight? I know our previous attempt of going to a party together was not very successful, but..."

He finishes the sentence for me;

"But things are completely different now, aren't they?"


Our eyes are locked, both smiling at how very different things are now compared to then.

"I would love to go to another party with you now that I know that I'm with you, when you are my girlfriend."

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