Chapter One

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Hi, i'm Mori, your friendly neighborhood fanfic author. Anybody get that reference? No? okay.

A few things:

*Y/N: your (first) name

*F/N: friend's name

*F/C: favorite color

*N/n: nickname (can be anybody's)

*M/N: Middle name

*L/N: last name

*f/a: favorite anime

*h/l: hair length

*h/c: hair color

*You're a half blood (your mother is a wizard, father's a muggle who has no idea about the wizarding world)

*Your best friend, whose also going to Hogwarts, is a pure blood named Coani Sachi

*I don't own any real life characters, so yeah.

*any author's notes will be bolded

Y/n's POV

Dear Y/n L/n,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

"Mum!" I screeched excitedly. The snowy owl perched on my dusty wooden window sill jolted in surprise. Was I supposed to feed it? Pet it? I had no clue. Mum preferred cats, so I had a onyx kitten named Artamiel. Mum walked in sleepily after spending hours working at the Ministry of Magic in the Magical Creatures department. I motioned for her to read the letter.

"Honey, that's wonderful," she responded warily, "but how are we going to explain this to your father?" Shit. Father was oblivious to the Wizarding World and mum was insistent on keeping it that way. She told him vaguely that she worked for the government, and he believed it. Mum was a Ravenclaw, which I found one of the coolest houses. A house full of geniuses? Perfect for scoring points at a school. My favorite house, though? Hufflepuff. They prided themselves as being the nicest house, which is the most important trait in a person. Well, that's my opinion. Mum told me about the expectations and realities of every house. Like Gryffindors, for example. The expectation was that they were brave and heroic, but really they were arrogant, loud, and flighty. Hufflepuffs were supposedly timid and weak, but were actually loyal and friendly. Ravenclaws were truly smart, but all in there own way. There were street-smart Ravenclaws, smart-ass Ravenclaws, and artistic geniuses. Slytherins were mum's least favorite house, but she still respected aspects of their traits and personalities. According to her, they were sassy yet accurate, stubborn but ambitious, and typically morally grey. If I was a Slytherin, which Mum insisted that I wouldn't be, I would be one either because of my stubbornness or my constant urge to sass back at anyone. It was a 'serious issue' at muggle middle school, as teachers typically don't like being told "kind of like how you didn't grade our papers?" when they commented about how I hadn't done the homework. (don't ever actually do that. You will most likely get a detention at the least. Trust me.)

"Maybe," I started carefully, knowing she wouldn't like what I was saying, "we could tell father the truth." Her amber eyes grew wide at my outlandish suggestion.

"And risk my marriage and possibly the wizarding community, love?" She asked rhetorically. I nodded stubbornly. "Fine, I'll ask Sicily about it. She'll probably know the best solution." I'm glad she conceded to ask Mrs. Sachi, who insisted to be called by her first name, Sicily. Her daughter Coani was my best and only friend, who had received her acceptance letter a few hours ago. She told me that she was the only pure blood she knew with a cell phone, which I found odd. If muggle technology worked fine for them, why not use it? Pride, I guess. I couldn't wait for Hogwarts, and the magic in store for me there.

Hello again hoomans, just so you know later chapters will be longer and less terrible. Also, I formulated randomly 'your' opinions of the various houses. They are not my opinions, either. I didn't want to add Dan or Phil in immediately, as I felt that would be rushing things along too fast.

So long and goodnight, Mori

But She's A Hufflepuff // d.h. x readerWhere stories live. Discover now