Chapter 2: Ashley Intro

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Eminem is the best rapperalive! I have all his albums, some of them I even have twice. A lotof my friends complain because I only listen to him and if I'm everhanded the aux cord in the car they know what I'm playing. I'm sureit annoys people, but he has always been there for me and that issomething I don't think even listening to his music as much as I docan ever repay. I'm a fairly normal girl though. I work a full timejob, I go to family functions on holidays, and I go out on weekendswith friends. I just carry this love for Marshall Mathers in my heartconstantly.

Today I am hanging out witha few of my friends before work. They stayed over last night and werekeeping me company while I got ready. I have a job at a smallnewspaper that I really loved. I couldn't see myself doing anythingelse. When I wasn't on assignment interviewing someone I was writingan article in which I was encouraged to listen to my music as Itended to produce better articles this way.

I always tried to find away to bring Marshall into real life whenever I could. "So are wegoing to have our normal Grammy viewing party this year?" one ofthem asked. I made a disgusted face in the mirror. "What's wrongAshley?" "Nothing." I replied, kind of out of habit. Although Ididn't want to have a Grammy viewing party this year because mynumber one artist wasn't going to be there. Scanning the crowds forhim was something I always did out of habit and not seeing him therewould just be a painful reminder of the year he and I have both had."Well, you don't make that face out of nowhere." I was pulledback into the moment. "Yeah. Just tell us." I took a deep breath."I don't want to have a Grammy party." I said, looking away fromthem, but feeling their facial expressions burning a hole in my head.I slowly turned and they were both looking quite bewildered. "Why?Let me guess. Eminem isn't nominated." My friend said. "Actually,he is." I said. "However, he isn't going to be there or even beperforming so I don't see a point. Besides, I don't really think hewill win." My friends were still staring at me. "Alright, so wewill have one without you. Unless you change your mind in the meantime." I shrugged. I didn't think they would still have one withoutme, but I couldn't be upset. They were both into more mainstreammusic and both of their favorite artists were nominated and I'm sure attending. 

I glanced at the time andnoticed I needed to be heading out the door. "Okay, I need to beleaving. You guys are more than welcome to stay a while if you want.I guess ill see you both sometime soon." We all hugged each othergoodbye and I turned to head for the door. I realized as I got intomy car maybe it bummed me out a little more than I was willing toadmit they wanted to have our Grammy party without me. I was the onewho started that tradition about seven years ago. As I turned the keyin the ignition of my car I realized my battery was dead. The samefriends who were probably planning a party without me I now had to goask for a ride to and from work. I hit the steering wheel as hard asI could and said "I wish I could be anyone but me right now."

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