Chapter 7

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Themovie had just ended. I hadn't seen 8 Mile probably since the year itopened, so I forgot that song was played during the end credits. Thename of it slipped my mind, but I think he won an award for it. Onceit went off, one of the girls asked me if I wanted to watch the musicvideo. "Music video?" I asked, confused. "Um, yeah. You alwaysmake us watch the Superman video after the movie goes off. What iswrong with you tonight?" I was panicking. I cant tell them my nameis Lauren and I was just fucking this man ten minutes ago. They mayhave me checked into a damn psych ward. "Nothing. Yeah, lets watchthe video." The other girl turned it on and boy I'm glad she did. Ihad never seen this music video before. I should probably mentionthat I didn't exactly follow Marshall's music, but I had heard hispopular songs and seen his popular videos. This wasn't one of them.

Itwasn't helping the fact that I was still feeling turned on because hewas in his prime in this video. Not to say he didn't look goodtonight, but if I had to choose a version of this man to sleep with,the version rapping to me on this TV screen right now would probablybe my choice. I didn't take my eyes off of him until the end of thevideo. When it went off the girl cut off the TV and headed for thecloset nearby to get what appeared to be air mattresses out. "Weregoing to crash here tonight Ashley, if that's okay." I nodded. Iknew nothing about anything going on past this moment, I didn't evenknow if I had a bed in this place. I got off the floor and moved outof the way for the girls to put their bed together. "Aren't yougoing up to bed?" one of them asked me. I knew I should. How do youask where your own bedroom is?

Aboutthis time I felt a phone buzz from my side pocket. I pulled out thephone and used my index finger to unlock it. It was a text messagefrom my phone number. "Hey, this is Ashley. Please tell me you'reLauren or else we have a big ass problem." I was relieved, butwondering why the hell I didn't think of this earlier. "Yes, I'mLauren. What's going on?" Here's the rest of our conversation:

A: I'mnot sure. Somehow I ended up in your body. Did you know you werehaving sex with Eminem?!

L: Yes.I knew. We need to figure out how this happened. And how to get backin our own bodies. Where is your bedroom? Or I guess its mine...

A: Upthe stairs to the right. And how did you manage this? I mean the sex.He was so good. And just as handsome as I knew he would be.

As Isaid goodnight to my "friends" and went up the stairs, I realizedit wouldn't be hard to figure out which room was mine. Every singlewall, aside from the baby pink color, has pictures of the man I hadjust been on top of all over the walls. If I didn't do somethingsimilar when I was a kid with a different celebrity I would think thegirl is insane. I realized with everything I had noticed sincegetting here about an hour ago that this girl was one of those"Stans" they talk about. I just wasn't sure what level of Stanshe was. I realized she had texted me and I didn't answer. 

L:I methim at a party. I guess you have always wanted to meet him huh?

A: Yeah,that was a little more than I had bargained for. But he was just asgood in bed as I thought.

L: RUBIT IN. I can see you're a big fan.

A: HUGE!And sorry. He came to the bathroom door with your clothes shirtlessand even though he isn't as cut as he used to be to me he is perfect.Anyways, I need to know the essential info before going back to yourplace. Including where it is.

I gaveher my address and told her about Mark. He would probably just becoming in from work so I told her not to let him know anything isoff. I didn't need her blowing this for me. "So what if he wants tofuck too?" I knew she was safe on that. If me and Mark had sex itwas usually on a day off of his, which he didn't have for a few moredays. "If you don't hear from Marshall by end of work tomorrow texthim. I am trying to establish something with him." "No problemthere. Where is work?" Oh man,she really don't know anything. I gave her the details on my job andsteering clear of Mr. Dornan. "Please make sure to check thecalendar every day and let him know at least ten minutes before anyappointments. I just got into trouble for not doing that yesterday."Apparently she had it a bit easier than I did. She explained to meabout her job and how important it was that I didn't mess it upbecause she actually liked it. It seemed easy enough, but I am nowriter, so hopefully I wont have to do too much of that. We agreed tocheck in with each other tomorrow evening. Hopefully, she didn't fuckmy life up too terribly much.

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