Where am I?

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PoV: Italy

"Ve~?" Italy looked around. Where exactly was he? Confused he spun around. Just why was Germanys house this big? He didn't watch his step for only a second... And now he aimlessly wandered the hallways. He didn't even know anymore what time it was, but it fekt like an eternity.

"G-Germany?" he called, but no one responded. Why? Germany always came to rescue him... Why didn't he come now? He had to come!

Italy sank against the wall. He was scared. He didn't want to be alone. He didn't want Germany to forget him!

What did he say last to him, just before he got lost? He didn't remember anymore. He should have listened. Maybe it was something important?

Tears shot in his eyes. Maybe Germany didn't came to rescue him anymore, because he never listened to him? Maybe he hated him because of that.

Suddenly his stomach growled. He looked around. Was there some Pasta around? Something to eat? Even one of Germanys Wursts would be enough for him right now.

But he couldn't see anything. Maybe he should walk around a bit more? He could search for something to eat at first.

Wiping away his tears he stood up. He had to eat and then apologize to Germany. He didn't want Germany to hate him.

Italy almost ran down the long hallways, just stopping to open some doors and peeking in the rooms. It was interesting, what sort of rooms Germany had in his house.

There was a huge room with a grand piano. Was Germany able to play the piano? He should ask him someday...

And what was this room? It looked a bit like a dungeon. Maybe Germany just kept it to remember certain parts of his life?

That had to be it. This even sounded a bit like Germany. History was important for him. Suddenly he felt sad again. He had to apologize to Germany, so that he didn't hate him.

So he hurriedly closed the door. He had to find a way out of here. He ran down the next hallway and the second one, even ignoring his protesting stomach. He had to apologize.

Suddenly he stopped infront of a small door. He just felt, that this was a very important door, even though it was rather plain-looking and old. Looking at the door he suddenly felt sad.

So he reached his hand out. What was sad for Germany, but still important? He opened the door and stared into utter darkness. Should he go in? It was so dark inside!

Then Italy strengthened his shoulders. This was important for Germany, so he wanted to know. As he took the step forward, he felt brave. But then he stood in complete darkness. His mind started to panic. He wanted to run out of the room.

"No!" he whispered to himself. "It's something important!" Slowly taking one step after another he got to the middle of the small room. He was now able to see the silouettes of the furniture inside.

There! Wasn't this a candle? Hurriedly he lighted the candle and released the breath, he hadn't noticed he hold. This was much better. But this room kind of looked different, than the others he saw on his way.

The other rooms where big, open and had a nostalgic feeling about them. This room was small and felt unspeakably sad and ... well... ripped. As if you would fight against yourself.

He looked around, trying to distract himself. There were many things in here. There were some crowns, swords, wallstones and many different, partly ripped flags and banners. What was the meaning of this? His gaze fell upon a familiar flag. An black eagle on a yellow background. He froze. Did Germany fight against him? Why did he have his flag?

As he looked at the flag the memories came back. Holy Romes hand, as he gave him the deck brush, their first and last kiss, the promise - and the infinite pain. He promised, but he never came back. But he would wait. Italy would still wait. Because he promised to wait.

The flags were just put up against the wall, as if Germany didn't like remembering them. There were only two small Objects that seemed to be well kept and treasured. He walked closer. What was this?

Then his eyes widened. Could that be? No. That wasn't possible. But didn't that mean...

Italy carefully lifted the deck brush. He was sure. This was THE deckbrush. The deckbrush he gave to Holy Rome. Why would Germany have it? Then he looked at the other object.

It was a picture of himself. A picture of him, still a maid at Austrias house, sleeping on a chair.

So this just had to mean... His face lit up. Germany was Holy Rome! So he came back after all! But why didn't he tell? Why didn't Germany tell him, who he was? Now he really had to find him. Maybe he didn't recognise him, because everyone back then thought he was a girl?

He placed the deck brush back on the pult, where he took it from. With a last gaze over his shoulder he left the room. He had to find Germany. Fast! He had to ask...

Hi, thanks for opening this fanfic. The idea came me, while I was studying History and somehow fell over the end of the Holy Roman Empire and the time after that. Later in this fic I will maybe drop one or another rather interesting fact. ^^ (If anyone is interested in why Holy Rome never came back to Chibitalia, here is my version ;) And if there are any questions, I am happy to answer them, so feel free to ask.)

Also I want to apologize for my english. It isn't my mother tongue and I am just hopeless with the commas... *sigh*(Advice is always welcome!) Sorry...

Well, for now thats all I have to say.

Enjoy! Bellona

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