Why did he remind me?

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PoV: Germany 

Germany sighed. Why exactly did he, everytime he thought he finished the paperwork, get even more of it? Would he ever get through it? He took the next sheet of paper.

An application for delivery of a form he needed to get an allowance to built a new park in Dresden. How more annoying could it get? Anyway he completed the application and put it on his "Done"-pile.

As he took another sheet he sighed again. He needed a coffee. Too bad Italy wasn't... He couldn't even finish his thought because of the front door slamming. A cheery little voice hummed unmelodic and told him that Italy was back. Well, talking, or more like thinking, about the devil...

"Buenas Dias, Germany!" the seemingly high spirited voice sang from the corridor. "Willkommen, Italy!" he answered, without really thinking about it.

"Are you having work to do? Ve~ I'll bring you coffee then." Germanys lips twitched. Italy knew him rather well. Even though he never said anything he seemed to have realized that Germany often got annoyed by the paperwork, even though he took it rather seriously. Seems like he was finally growing up.

Germany put the form away and took the next blank. In the beginning, just after he met Italy, he was so annoyed by him. At some point, well, he probably got used to it and silently accepted his fate. Working with him was sometimes really frustrating.

He remembered the day when Italy asked for his friendship, like it was yesterday. He didn't show it at that moment, but for the firs time in his life he felt... happy. There was no other word for it. Happy.

Of course he often got frustrated by his childish and cowardish behavior, but he wasn't able to stay angry at him for long. In this time he started to realize more and more, that Italy wasn't the foolish, careless person he took him for in the beginning. Italy may seem like this on the outside, but after he tried to understand at least some of his strange habits, he came to understand, that Italy deeply cared for his people and wouldn't want them to get hurt.

After he understood this, and he needed a rather long time for it, he started seeing him with different eyes. Italy wasn't stupid at all, he just had his own way of dealing with problems. And Germany knew: If he really had to, Italy could be brave. Braver than anyone he knew.

Germany's train of thoughts got off the rails, as he noticed that he started to draw Italys face on his blank. Dammit! He was supposed to work! He shook his head, freeing himself from the last bits of his circeling thoughts and taking a deep breath. He probably had a copy of this form somewhere, right?

His head shot up, as Italy entered the door. His eyes grew wide. - What the heck was Italy wearing???

Italy almost danced the small way from the door to his desk, causing his dress to sweep around his legs. Germany wasn't able to say anything. He just stared at the smaller nation not understanding what was going on.

"Ve~ Germany? Are you allright?" Italy said, his voice oddly full of hope. Germany tried to open his mouth, closed it and opened it again. Nothing was coming out. What the hell was this guy thinking?

Italy snickered. "You look like a fish, doing that." Germany shook his head.

"Italy... you're wearing... a dress!?"

Italy nodded and looked at him exspectantly.

"Um, I mean... I know, I probably shouldn't ask this, but WHY are you wearing a dress??" Germany's mind just wasn't able to comprehend this.

Wasn't he just thinking that Italy seemed so much more adult lately? Well, seems he wasn't.

"Ve~ Why don't you tell me, Germany?" Italy smiled cheeringly. What was he trying to say with this now?

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