Do you hate me, Germany?

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PoV: Italy

Italy woke up drenched in sweat. Why was it so hot in here? And where... oh! This was Germanys room! "Ve~ I'm back!" He tried to sit up, but he couldn't move. Confused he looked down his body. He was rolled in Germanys blanket so thight that he couldn't move even an inch. He feeled a bit like the Maki* from Japan's house.

Why was he here again? Oh, right. He was lost... and while he searched for an exit of this labyrith of doors and hallways he forgot to eat completely. And all that after Germany's training. He almost starved! He remembered beeing so happy... why? Then it came back. Germany was Holy Rome! Germany, his Germania was the one he waited for! His Holy Rome!

His head went up, when Germany entered the room. With Germany a wonderful smell came in, probably from the steaming plate he held in his hands.

"Italy! Thank god!" Germany put down the plate and hugged him tightly. Since when did Germany hug him? Wasn't it always the other way around?

"Italy. Promise me to never go off alone, anymore, okay? I was worried!" While Germany had pulled him in his arms the blanket loosened up a bit around him and Italy was able to free his arms, which he immediatly put around Germany's neck.

"Germany, I was so scared" Suddenly the fear came back, the panic. Italy started to babble without even realizing Germanys words. "When I got lost I called for you, but you didn't came, I thought you hated me! And then I cried, but decided I had to apologize for not listening to what you said earlier and then I got hungry and searched for pasta and then I ran because I wanted to find you and do you hate me, Germany? Please dont hate me!"

Suddenly he felt Germany stiffen. "No, Italy" Germany said after a pause. "I dont hate you. Please, stop crying." But Italy wasn't able to stop yet. "I was so scared..." He clinched his hands in Germany's shirt.

"It's... It's okay, Italy. I'm here with you. Don't be scared anymore. Uhm... It's okay!" Italy started to calm down. He let his eyes wander and found the plate Germany had put down on the table. Suddenly he felt almost starved again.

Germany followed his gaze and leaned over to give him the plate. "Um... I thought you may be hungry, so I made Pasta for you.

A smile spread on Italy's face."Grazie, Germany!" He hugged the stern nation again, but only for a few seconds. Then he took the plate and ate everything up. He felt way better after he finished the meal and sighed in relieve.

Then his eyes wandered back to Germany, who didn't move an inch, since he started eating. He seemed worried. "Germany? Is everything okay?" His words seemed to break the spell and Germany moved so suddenly, Italy almost jumped.

"Sorry. I was just thinking a bit. What were you saying?"

Italy laid the fork on the plate and put it aside. "Germany, are you really allright?" Italy couldn't shake off the feeling Germany was acting strange. "Ja, ja." Germany answered. "I'm fine. Was the Pasta allright?"

"Yes, thank you Germany!" Then Italy remembered, that he wanted to ask Germany some questions. Maybe he should start with the easiest. "Germany, do you play the piano?"

Surprised the taller nation looked back, but then he pulled himself together. Well, not as good as Austria, but yes. Why do you ask?"

Italy started to smile again. "I just saw a big room with a piano, while I searched for something to eat and wondered. Will you play something for me?" Germany sighed. "Not now. Later I can do that, if you still want to listen."

"Ve! Germany will play the piano for me." Italy was so very happy. It was just a small gesture, but for these he loved Germany. He knew, that he would do that only for his friends. He was not good in showing his feelings openly, but he showed them in little things like these.

Just like Holy Rome did, back then! As he thought about it, there were so many parallels between them. Why didn't he notice sooner? Oh... right. He wanted to ask Germany why he didn't tell him from the start, but as he already had the words to ask him, he wasn't able to speak them. He remembered the sad atmosphere of the room and all the broken things, maybe he should wait with this question.

Suddenly Germany fell to the side and on his legs. What happened? Was he hurt? He leaned over trying to understand what happened. Then he realized. Germany must have been tired. He probably was awake the whole night, seeing the dark shadows under his eyes.

Italy pulled his legs out and stood up. He should take off some of Germanys clothes. He started with his boots. But after he put them aside he realized, that he would not be able to do much more. He was to weak to lift Germany.

"Ve~ Then I just have to put a blanket over him. It isn't that different from when he is drunk."

After he did this he suddenly felt tired again. Strange, didn't he just sleep? Well, nothing to do. So he threw his clothes on the chair and slipped under the blanket, his face nuzzled on Germany's warm, hard shoulder.

He liked sleeping like this.


*Maki = Sushi

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